
05.01.2007., petak


nakon dugog vremena evo i mene!
sretna nova ! (sa zakašnjenjem)
kako ste ju dočekali ??
ja dobro!!

Pred tihu turobnu kišu, knjige starinom odišu mirisom
davnine guše i izdišu davno preminule duše.
I poput uvele ruže iz davno preminulih sanja
iz njih struje i kruže dahovi uzdisanja.
Nekoga ko vihor ponesu na barjak i barikade,
a drugog sjetno zanesu u tugu drevne balade.
A vani život struji i teče ko u nabujaloj rijeci
o kako tuga mori i peče u staroj biblioteci.

Stjepan Devčić, pjesnik i novinar, pacijent Bolnice Vrapče gdje je i umro 1974 godine.

- 18:28 - Komentari (5) - Isprintaj - #

06.08.2006., nedjelja

18 točaka o ubojstvu Kurta Cobaina


1. Krajem 1993. godine brak Kurta i Courtney je bio pred raspadom, ona je imala aferu sa Billy Corgan-om iz benda Smashing Pumpkins, a spominju se i još neki ljudi s kojima je imala afere u isto to vrijeme, i u slučaju razvoda, izgubila bi sve Kurtove milione, svu imovinu, skrbništvo nad kćerkom Frances Bean, u medijima bi bila progonjena mnogo snažnijim intenzitetom nego poslije intervjua datog za Vanity Fair i u najboljem slučaju, bi dobila pola imovine. Samo u slučaju Kurtovog samoubojstva, ona dobiva sve, i novce i kćerku i pravo na neobjavljen Nirvanin materijal – kao nasljednik autorskih prava Kurta Cobaina.

2. Courtney je bila spremna na sve ovo, a naročito poslije činjenice da je Kurt u ožujku 1994. godine napisao oporuku iz koje ju je potpuno izbacio. Ta oporuka nije bio važeća, jer Kurta su ubili prije nego ju je stigao potpisati i ovjeriti.

3. Dakle ključni motiv za njegovo ubojstvo je bio konflikt interesa i milioni dolara. Courtney je pobjesnjela kada je Kurt odbio da Nirvana bude Headliner na proljetnoj turneji po Americi, čime je bacio u nepovrat nekoliko miliona dolara.

4. Raspad Nirvane je bio također neminovan. Cobain je izgubio interes za taj projekt, kao da je Nirvana zatvorila krug svog postojanja, prošla kroz sve faze kroz koje je trebala proći i rekla sve što je imala. Jedino što ga je interesiralo bio je novi projekt sa Michael Stipe-om, pjevačem REM-a, koji nikad nije ugledao svjetlost dana.

5. Ovim njegovim stavom, kompanija Geffen je također bila ugrožena, jer bi ostala u tom slučaju bez možda svog najboljeg klijenta, na kome je samo na albumu Nevermind zaradila 50 miliona dolara čistog profita, a ukupni troškovi oko snimanja albuma su bili 300.000 dolara, što je minorno za ovakav antologijski i revolucionarni album, ako se zna da je ista cifra jedva dovoljna za doručak Michael Jackson-a i njegovih ljubimaca. Procjenjuje se da je Geffen zaradio mnogo više na Nirvani poslije Kurtove smrti. Možda su i oni proračunali da im više odgovara smrt Kurta?!

6. Savršeno je iskorištena činjenica da je Cobain bio narkoman, labilan i antisocijalan lik, kronično iznerviran, te mu je bilo veoma lako zalijepiti etiketu da je neuračunljiv, suicidalan, a još naročito ako se uzme u obzir radni naziv za album In Utero “I hate myself and I want to die”, uz njegovu strast prema oružju, dobivate dobitnu kombinaciju. (Kurt je imao revolver Taurus kalibar 38, poluautomatski pištolj Beretta 380 i američku automatsku pušku Colt AR 15/16 i 25 kutija municije – sve ovo mu je oduzela policija u petak 18. ožujka 1994. kad ga je Courtney prijavila policiji, da se namjerava ubiti, dok je njegova verzija bila da se pokušavao zaštititi i drži na odstojanju u Courtney, te se zaključao u kupaonici.

7. Lokalni roker, Eldon Hoke, poznatiji kao El Duce, koji liči više na dželata iz srednjeg vijeka, nego na rokera, je posvjedočio da mu je Courtney ponudila 50.000 $ da ubije Kurta. On je 1996. bio dva puta na testu – detektoru laži i oba puta je prošao. Dao je i intervju za dokumentarac Kurt & Courtney u kome je sve ispričao. Ubijen je 7 dana poslije toga – “slučajno” ga je zgazio vlak! Kao da gledamo X-files...

8. Prvi osumnjičeni za ubojstvo Kurta Cobaina je Michael Dewitt, muška dadilja u rezidenciji Cobainovih. Bio je u Rimu sa Courtney kad je pokušan prvi pokušaj ubojstva Kurta, i od 2. do 7. travnja se ne zna gdje je bio – nestao je i iznenada se pojavio kod Courtney 7. travnja u Los Angelesu (Kurt je ubijen 5. travnja u 2h pm po lokalnom vremenu u Seatttlu). U Rimu, prema istrazi i svjedočenjima očevidaca, navodi se da se on spremao napustiti hotel, da podigne novce, ostavi Courtney pismo u kome joj poručuje da se razvodi od nje. Umjesto toga, 3. ožujka 1994. on završava u bolnici na pumpanju želuca, 20 sati je u komi, Courtney je našminkana i sređena dok njega vode u bolnicu i njegov organizam uspijeva preživjeti udar 50 tableta rohipnola ( lijek sličan valijumu ) pomiješan sa šampanjcem, navodno je prvi put pokušao ubiti se, a priča se o oproštajnom pismu, koje je ustvari bilo oproštajno za Courtney.

Da podsjetim, Kurt je bio ekstremno indirektan, sve je poručivao na posredan način. To se još dalo primjetiti u načinima na koje je morao otpustiti neadekvatne bubnjare, pa do ideje obraćanja publici preko pisma u unutrašnjem omotu albuma In Utero, što naravno Geffen nije pristao. U Rimu su se Kurt i Courtney sastali poslije dužeg vremena, jer su i ona i on bili na turneji po Europi sa svojim bendovima. Prijatelji Kurta tvrde da on nikada nije koristio ili spominjao rohipnol.

9. Prva slijedeća prilika za atentat na Kurta se ukazala kad je on pobjegao iz centra Marina Del Rej za rehabilitacija i skidanje od narkotika, u Kaliforniji 28. ožujka, a 30. ožujka već bio u Seattlu. Bilo je samo pitanje tko će prvi stići do njega, policija ili atentatori. Cobain usput kupuje pušku Remington 11, kalibar 22 – sačmarica, vjerojatno za samobranu, kako je i rekao svom prijatelju Dylanu Carlson-u. Ista puška je iskorištena kao osiguranje da Cobain neće preživjeti još jedan atentat, te mu je reznesen mozak, pored ogromne doze heroina koja mu je ubrizgana.

10. U isto vrijeme, kada kreće potraga za Kurtom, njegova žena odbija pomoći u istrazi i da dođe u Seattle, opravdavajući to nekim poslovima i obavezama u Los Anegeles-u. Šta može biti bitnije od pronalaženja nestalog muža?! Jedino atentat na njega. Iznajmila je privatnog detektiva – Toma Granta, koji je umjesto da bude poslušna marioneta, bio prva osoba koja je shvatila i iznijela činjenice u javnost da Cobain nije izvršio samoubojstvo i da on vjeruje da Courtney stoji iza ubojstva kao glavni organizator, ali ne i izvršilac, jer je bila u LA-u 5. svibnja.

11. Kurta su ubili 5. svibnja 1994. Sad se trebalo samo pronaći tijelo. Prošao je jedan dan. Ništa. Prošao je još jedan dan – opet ništa. Zatim Courtney počinje da NAVODI istragu na njihovu Greenhouse kuću u Seattleu i preko telefona govori Kurtovom najboljem prijatelju”Check the Greenhouse!” On to nije učinio i prolazi JOŠ jedan dan. Zatim u panici, ona zove lokalnu Security kompaniju da započnu radove na sigurnosnim svijetlima oko njihove kuće. Oni šalju radnika i on pronalazi tijelo u 8:40 am 8. travnja 1994. Čovjek se zove naravno – Gary Smith.

12. Za to vrijeme neko i dalje koristi Kurtovu kreditnu karticu!

13. Policija u Seattleu je za 3 SATA zatvorila slučaj, proglasila da je bilo u pitanju samoubojstvo, pronađena je puška, oproštajno pismo. Nije uopće urađen toksikološki test niti su forenzičari izašli na teren. Policija ignorira činjenicu da su svi Kurtovi prijatelji svjedočili da on nije bio suicidalan.

14. Zatim, vrhunac i krunski dokaz koji ukazuje da je Kurt ubijen je loše ukomponirana uloga sačmarice u čitavu ovu priču. Maksimalna doza heroina, koju bi najotporniji narkoman mogao podijeti je 75 do 80 mg heroina, što izaziva 0,5 mg po litru morfija u krvi ( heroin je derivat opijuma, a morfij derivat heroina ). Kod Cubaina je ustanovljeno da je imao 1,52 mg po litru morfija u krvi, što znači da se upucao sa 225 – 240 mg heroina – što je tri puta veća doza od smrtonosne. Za one koji nisu narkomani, i 10 mg heroina može biti fatalna doza, a ovdje je u pitanju 240 mg!

15. Prema svim studijama, ovakva doza heroina izaziva neposrednu i trenutnu smrt, čineći čovjeka potpuno onesposposobljenim. I sad, znači Cobain je nadčovjek koji je imun na ovoliku dozu heroina i ima snage da uzme sačmaricu i da je stavi u usta i opali. Ti koji su montirali čitavo ovo ubojstvo, čak nisu vodili računa ni o dužini puške, jer Remington 11 je tolika sačmarica, da Cobain nije nikako mogao jedan kraj staviti u usta, a prstima dohvatiti okidač – pod uvjetom da je uspieo da ignorira tri puta veću dozu heroina od maksimalne. Želio se samo postići dramski efekt i osiguranje da ovaj put se Kurt neće izvući. Sve je montirano, sa jakom podrškom insajdera u policiji, koja i dan danas odbija ponovni otvoriti slučaj. Otvorit će ga kad on zastari i kad glavni krivci ili više ne budu živi ili budu pred kraj svog života. Jeftina američka priča.

16. Veoma zanimljiva stvar je opet oproštajno pismo – novo, iz Seattlea, u kome Kurt se obraća publici i navodi razloge zašto napušta svijet muzike, zašto napušta Nirvanu, Seattle Courtney... Nigdje nije rekao da će napustiti zemlju! A, onda neko dopisuje posljednjih nekoliko redova kako bi to izgledalo kao oproštajno pismo. Upoređivan je rukopis Courtney sa tim dopisanim redovima i pogodite što je ustanovljeno!

17. Na pušci nema jasnih otisaka prstiju koji ukazuju da ju je Kurt držao, a proglašeno je da se njom ubio!

18. Niti u jednoj priči u zadnjih 30 godina, ne postoji nijedan slučaj samoubojstva u Americi u kome su bili korišteni i vatreno oružje i narkotici kao overdose. Zašto bi se neko ubijao sa 2 različite stvari!? Sve ovo podsjeća na Alana Forda i na jednu epizodu u kojoj se spominje lik koji je izvršio samoubojstvo sa 256 ispaljenih metaka u sebe!

Tko li ga je ubio ???
- 22:16 - Komentari (11) - Isprintaj - #

30.07.2006., nedjelja


Evo nakon dugo vremena pišem post !!(naznam kako da ga nazovem )
Jučer sam došla sa mora !!!
Bila sam sa frendicom kod moje bake na Korčuli !!!
Bilo je super !!
Ali kod kuće je najljepše !!
Sada idem na kavu sa dečkom !!
Uživajte !!!
- 12:58 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

11.07.2006., utorak

MY BOY !!!

Richard Ramírez

Police mug shot of RamirezThis article is about the serial killer Richard Ramirez. For the noise musician, see Richard Ramirez (musician).
Richard Muńoz Ramirez (born February 29, 1960 in El Paso, Texas) is a convicted serial killer awaiting execution on California's death row. Prior to his capture, Ramirez was dubbed the "Night Stalker" by the news media as he terrorized California with a series of car and home abductions, rapes, and murders during the first half of 1985.

Early life

It is speculated that Ramirez was influenced to go on his killing spree by the stories told by his cousin who claimed to have been a Green Beret in Vietnam. The cousin boasted to the 12-year-old Ramirez of torturing and mutilating Vietnamese women and showed him grisly Polaroid pictures, purportedly of his victims. Ramirez was also present when the cousin murdered his wife (blood from her shooting is said to have splattered on Ramirez's face). His parents were also known to be highly religious and (his father particularly) not shy of physical punishment, to which Ramirez would try and escape by spending nights in the cemetery.

Criminal career

A Los Angeles Times article from August 1985 detailing the killings in the Los Angeles area, with an artist's rendition of RamirezRamirez' first known victim was an 79-year-old woman whom he sexually assaulted and stabbed to death during a burglary of her home on June 28, 1984. On March 17, 1985 Ramirez committed his second known murder. During the attack, he also attempted to murder the victim's roommate, but she was able to escape, providing the police with a description of the attacker. Later that same day Ramirez dragged a 30-year-old woman from her car and shot her. The two attacks occurring on the same day bolstered media attention, and in turn caused panic and fear among the public. The news media dubbed the attacker, who was described as having long curly hair, bulging eyes and wide-spaced rotting teeth, "The Walk-in Killer" and "The Valley Intruder". On March 20, only three days after his previous murder, Ramirez abducted an Eagle Rock girl from her home and sexually assaulted her. On March 27 he killed a 64-year-old man, Vincent Zazarra, and fatally stabbed Zazarra's 44-year-old wife, Maxine. Ramirez allegedly proceeded to carve out her eyes. Autopsy results showed that the inflictions occurred post-mortem. Vincent and Maxine's bodies were discovered in their Whittier home by their son, Peter.

By this time, a multi-county police investigation was in operation. The law enforcement agencies worked through the month of April with no additional attacks by Ramirez. Ramirez then invaded the home of a 65-year-old man and his wife in Monterey Park. He shot the man in the head and was about to kill his wife when the dying man was able to scare Ramirez away by dialing 9-1-1. The man was pronounced dead when police arrived. A little more than a week later, Ramirez severely beat two women in their 80s after invading their home (one woman would later die of her injuries). Before leaving the home, he inked pentagrams on the wall and one of the women in red lipstick.

In June and July, three more women were killed. Two had their throats slit, one was beaten to death, and all three had their homes invaded in the process. On July 20 he again struck twice. In Sun Valley he killed a 32-year-old man, beat and raped his wife, and proceeded to sodomize their 8-year-old son while making his bleeding mother listen. Later in the same day, Ramirez shot to death a Glendale couple aged in their 60s. On August 8 he shot a Northridge couple in their home, critically wounding them. The description of their attacker fit the previous ones given for "The Walk-in Killer".

Ramirez then left the Los Angeles area, and on August 17, he shot to death a 66-year-old man in San Francisco, also shooting and beating his wife. The wife survived her wounds and was able to identify her attacker as "The Walk-in Killer" from police sketches. Since "The Walk-in Killer" no longer fit the modus operandi of the attacker, the news media re-dubbed him the "Night Stalker".

The next big break in the case came on August 24 when Ramirez shot a 29-year-old man in the head and raped his fiancée. The man survived and was able to give a description of both Ramirez and his orange Toyota station wagon. A teenager later identified the car from news reports and wrote down half its license plate number. The stolen car was found on August 28, and police were able to obtain one fingerprint that was on the mirror, from the vehicle. The prints belonged to one Richard Muńoz Ramirez, who was described as a 25-year-old drifter from Texas with a long rap sheet that included many arrests for traffic and illegal drug violations. Two days later, his mugshots were broadcast on national television and printed on the cover of every major newspaper in California. The next day Ramirez was identified, and then mobbed and beaten by residents of a Latino neighborhood in East Los Angeles as he was trying to steal a car. Police had to break up the mob to prevent them from killing Ramirez.

Trial and conviction

Jury selection for the case started on July 22, 1988, and on September 20, 1989, he was found guilty of 13 counts of murder, 5 attempted murders, 11 sexual assaults and 14 burglaries. During the penalty phase of the trial on November 7, 1989, he was sentenced to die in California's gas chamber. The trial of Richard Ramirez was one of the most difficult, and longest, criminal trials in American history. Nearly 1,600 prospective jurors were interviewed. Over one hundred witnesses testified, and while a number of witnesses had a difficult time recalling certain facts four years after the crimes, others were quite certain of the identity of Richard Ramirez.

On August 3, 1988, the Los Angeles Times reported that some jail employees overheard Ramirez planning to shoot the prosecutor with a gun, which Ramirez intended to have smuggled into the courtroom. Consequently, a metal detector was installed outside of the courtroom and intensive searches were conducted on people entering. On August 14, the trial was interrupted because one of the jurors, Phyllis Singletary, did not arrive to the courtroom. Later that day she was found dead in her apartment. The jury was terrified; they could not help but wonder if Ramirez had somehow directed this event from inside his prison cell, and if he could reach other jury members. However, Ramirez was not responsible for Singletary's death; she had been shot and killed by her boyfriend, who later killed himself with the same weapon in a hotel. The alternate juror who replaced Singletary was too frightened to return to her home.

By the time of the trial, Ramirez had many female (and male) fans who were writing him letters and paying him visits. Since 1985, freelance magazine editor Doreen Lioy wrote him nearly 75 letters during his incarceration. In 1988 he proposed to her, and on October 3, 1996, they were married in California's San Quentin State Prison.

- 19:47 - Komentari (6) - Isprintaj - #

10.07.2006., ponedjeljak

Gotovo SP !!

Gotovo je i SP !!
Pobjednik je Italija !!!
Najbolji udarac je bio onaj Zidana oko 111 min ali ne lopte !!headbang
Pa je dobio crveni karton !!!mad
Ali je ipak najbolji igrač ovog SP !!!thumbup
Sada ide u mirovinu !!!cool
- 14:32 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

03.07.2006., ponedjeljak


Jučer mi je dan loše počeo a dobro završio . Jučer ujutro sam išla do frendice da uzmem CD koji je ostao kod nje i da poslije toga odemo na kavu . Kada smo izašle sve je bilo uredu i kada smo došle do pola puta , pošto je bilo lokvica od kiše ,autobus koji je prolazio blizu nas pošpricao je moju frendicu Maijanu , bila je tako ljuta i odlučila je da se vrati doma da se presvuče , ja sam ju kao budala pratila . --Mare jesi luda tko će vidjeti tri točkice.—rekla sam joj ali ona nije slušala . Ti ŠMINKERI ( iako je šminkerica super je i naj frendica ). Kada smo napokon došle lijepo smo se istračale i popile vruću čokoladu ( uvijek dobra iako je ljeto ). Ja sam se po običaju dobro nasmijala jer joj se nabacivao neki ti u CRVENOJ, SVILENOJ košulji . -----Modni promašaj godine-----.
Poslije toga pričale smo o našim dečkima . Opet sam se nasmijala jer je njezin dečko u subotu bio grozno obučen .Onda je ona komentirala moga kako smo baš ja i on super par
Stalno se smijemo kao da smo stalno napušeni . I rekla je da moj dečko Mario nosi
---dronjke----. Kome su dronjci : : starke, traperice , košulje od flanela , poneki put izađe i u pidžami, ali Bože moj i to je za ljude. Rekla je i da nije vidio češlja godinu dana kao i ja . I stalno spominje onaj njegov smješni ruksak , koji uvijek izgleda kao da je prazan . Malo je blesav – ali je baš zato super -- . Time smo završile razgovor jer sam se ja morala ići naći sa dečkom jer nam je godina otkako smo zajedno . Bilo mi je super dobila sam par sitnica i MALOG, PLIŠANOG, LJUBIČASTOG, MAJMUNA ----- baš je sladak . Poput ovog::

adopt your own virtual pet!

Sada razmišljam kako iskorijeniti ŠMINKERE !!! (sorry Mare)
Ima ko savjet ???

- 11:06 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #

02.07.2006., nedjelja

hellow !!!

Sada sam se upravo ustala , jučer sam zaspala tek u 5 party. Ne znam što mi je u zadnje vrijeme spavam jako malo. eek
Upravo slušam LED ZEPPELIN i dopisujem se s dečkom !!cerekkiss
Opet pada kiša pa me to sada uspavljuje !!
Mrzim kišu !!! (Ništa od kupanja danas !!)headbang:headbang
Tako sam gladna , pa kada napišem ovaj post idem jesti!!njami

POzzz LjUdI !!

- 09:20 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

18.06.2006., nedjelja



L-R: Malcolm Young, Phil Rudd, Angus Young, Cliff Williams, Brian Johnson
Origin Sydney
Country Australia
Years active 1973—present
Genre(s) Hard Rock, Rock and Roll, Blues Rock.
Label(s) EMI
Members Angus Young
Malcolm Young
Brian Johnson
Cliff Williams
Phil Rudd
Past members Bon Scott Deceased
Dave Evans
Mark Evans
Simon Wright
Chris Slade
Larry Van Kriedt
Colin Burgess
Rob Bailey
Peter Clack
George Young
Tony Currenti

AC/DC is a hard rock band formed in Sydney, Australia in 1973 by rhythm guitarist Malcolm Young and his brother, lead guitarist Angus Young. The band has sold over 150 million albums worldwide, making them one of the most successful hard rock acts ever. Their 1980 album Back in Black has sold 42 million units worldwide (21 million in the US alone) and is the second highest selling album of all time. [1] The band has had two distinctive lead singers, and its fans tend to divide its history into the "Bon Scott era" (1974-80), and the "Brian Johnson era" (1980-present).

Although the group is generally considered to be a pioneer of hard rock and heavy metal music (they are ranked number 4 on VH1's "100 Greatest Artists of Hard Rock"), the members have always referred to their music as rock 'n' roll. Overall, AC/DC is the most successful and well-known band to hail from Australia.

AC/DC is currently working on a new studio album, but as of May 2006, no release date has been set. In a 2005 interview with Brian Johnson, he has confirmed that the band does not know where the album will be recorded and finished. Also during the year, it was announced that there was a possibility the next release could be a double album. In a recent interview (April 2006) with Guitarist magazine, Malcolm Young stated, "The band is currently recording and writing material for the eagerly anticipated next album." [citation needed]


Born in Glasgow, Scotland, the brothers Angus, Malcolm Young and George Young moved with their family to Sydney, Australia as children. George began playing guitar first and became a member of Australia's most successful band during the 1960s, The Easybeats. They were the first local rock act to score an international hit ("Friday On My Mind" in 1966). Malcolm and Angus soon followed in his footsteps. Malcolm first played with a Newcastle, New South Wales band called The Velvet Underground (not to be confused with the New York based Velvet Underground which included member Lou Reed).

Early years

One of the AC/DC's lineups in 1973: Evans, Bailey, M. Young, Clack and A. Young.In November 1973, Malcolm Young started AC/DC, in which he played rhythm guitar and Angus played lead guitar. They recruited drummer Colin Burgess (ex-The Masters Apprentices), bassist Larry Van Kriedt, and vocalist Dave Evans. They originally intended to have a keyboardist, but soon dropped the idea. They played their first gig at a club in Sydney, Australia on New Year’s Eve, 1973.

The early lineups of the band changed often. Colin Burgess was sacked after passing out on stage (reportedly because someone spiked his drink), and a number of different bassists and drummers passed through the band over the next year, some lasting only a few weeks.

Another vital innovation was Angus Young's adoption of his now-famous school uniform as a regular stage outfit; the original was reputedly Angus' real uniform from his secondary school, Ashfield Boys High School, in Sydney. This idea was suggested by the Young brothers' sister, Margaret.

In September 1974, after skipping a gig, Dave Evans, was replaced by the band's chauffeur, the charismatic singer Ronald Belford "Bon" Scott, former lead vocalist with The Spektors (1964-66), The Valentines (1966-70) and Fraternity (1970-73). This signified the beginning of real success. With Evans, they had recorded one single, "Can I Sit Next To You"/"Rockin' In The Parlour". "Can I Sit Next To You" was eventually recorded with Bon Scott under the title "Can I Sit Next To You Girl".

By early 1975, the line-up had stabilised around Scott, the Young brothers, Mark Evans (bass) and Phil Rudd (drums), and an Australian-only album High Voltage had been released. Between 1974 and 1978, aided by regular appearances on the nationally-broadcast TV pop music show Countdown, AC/DC became one of the most popular and successful acts in Australia, scoring a string of hit albums and singles including their perennial rock anthem "It's a Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna Rock 'n' Roll)", included on their second album T.N.T. which again was only released in Australia and New Zealand.

International fame

AC/DC signed an international deal with Atlantic Records. They worked all over the UK and Europe to establish themselves, touring almost constantly and gaining invaluable experience on the stadium circuit supporting the top hard-rock acts of the day including Alice Cooper, Black Sabbath, Kiss, Cheap Trick, Nazareth, Foreigner, Thin Lizzy, and The Who.

Their next album Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap was released in 1976. There were slightly different track listings in different territories, and the album didn't reach the US until 1981 (when AC/DC were at the peak of their popularity). After 1977's Let There Be Rock, Mark Evans was replaced by Cliff Williams.

AC/DC was first played in America on AM 600 WTAC in Flint, Michigan. The station manager's manager and legendary promoter "Peter C" Cavanaugh, who had also introduced The Who to America, booked the band to play Flint's Capitol Theater in the Fall of 1977. The opening act was The MC 5 who was briefly reunited and agreed to play the event. AC/DC opened with Live Wire and closed with It's a Long Way to The Top (If You Wanna Rock & Roll). The entire event is chronicled in Cavanaugh's book Local DJ

They survived the punk rock upheavals of 1976 and 1978, partly because they were tagged as a punk rock band by the British music press, a label they despise to this day. They gained a solid cult following in the UK with their powerful performances and outrageous stage antics; Angus Young quickly became notorious for mooning the audience and the group was banned from several British venues. Their meaty hard-rock sound and Scott's provocative, leering stage persona have also reputed to have been significant influences on The Sex Pistols' lead singer Johnny Rotten.

Highway to Hell

Highway To HellIt was their 1979 sixth album, Highway To Hell, produced by Mutt Lange, that propelled them into the top ranks of hard rock acts; its anthemic title track is still a radio staple and is still widely popular in the U.S. This album was the first album not produced by Harry Vanda and George Young and the last to feature Bon Scott on vocals.

Bon Scott's death

Bon Scott died on 19 February 1980. He passed out after a night of routine partying, and was left in a car owned by an acquaintance named Alistair Kinnear. Sometime the next day, Bon was found unconscious by Kinnear and immediately rushed to the hospital, but was pronounced dead upon arrival. The official cause of death was listed as "Acute alcohol poisoning" and "Death by Misadventure", although common folklore cites pulmonary aspiration of vomit as the cause. There are many inconsistencies in the official story, which in recent years have lead to many conspiracy theories, many involving heroin overdoses. It should be noted, however, that Bon was asthmatic and the temperature was below freezing that morning.

The band members considered quitting, but they decided Bon would have wanted AC/DC to continue. Shortly after, the band had lined up various candidates. Among them was Marc Storace of Krokus (because he sounded very much like Bon Scott)[citation needed], Terry Slesser and Brian Johnson. Johnson was trying to get Geordie back together, but he went to the audition and he sang two songs: "Whole Lotta Rosie" (Let There Be Rock) and "Nutbush City Limits" (Ike & Tina Turner). A few days later, the band told Johnson that he was the new vocalist of AC/DC.

Back in Black

Back in BlackWith Johnson, they completed the song-writing that was started while Bon Scott was still alive and began recording Back in Black, also produced by Lange. This became their biggest-selling album, a hard-rock landmark . Among the album's hits, the title track, an unstated tribute to Scott, and "You Shook Me All Night Long", are quintessential AC/DC: pounding guitars, start-stop rhythms, and the vocal style one critic affectionately described as "crotch on barbed wire." The follow-up album, For Those About to Rock We Salute You, released in 1981, also sold very well and was well received by critics.

The band split with Lange for their self-produced 1983 album, Flick of the Switch. Amid rumours of alcoholism, drummer Phil Rudd left after personal differences with Malcolm Young. Rudd was replaced by Simon Wright formerly of Tytan, after the band held an anonymous audition. With the new lineup they recorded the less successful Fly on the Wall, produced by the Young brothers, in 1985. An ambitious series of music videos featuring the band at a bar playing five of the album's ten songs and supplemented by a variety of goings-on, including an animated fly, was also released.

Who Made WhoIn 1986, the group returned to the charts with the title track from Who Made Who, the soundtrack to Stephen King's film Maximum Overdrive. The album also included two new instrumentals along with previous hits. In February 1988 AC/DC were inducted into ARIA Hall of Fame. The next album, Blow Up Your Video (1988) saw them reunited with their original producers, Harry Vanda and George Young. It had better sales than the band's two previous albums, scoring a British Top 20 single with "Heatseeker".

Following Blow Up Your Video, Wright left the group and was replaced by session veteran Chris Slade. Johnson was unavailable for several months and the Young brothers wrote the songs for the next record themselves, as they would do for all subsequent releases. The new album would be produced by Bruce Fairbairn who had worked previously with Bryan Adams and Bon Jovi. Released in 1990, The Razor's Edge was a big comeback for the band and included hits "Thunderstruck" and "Money Talks". The album went multiplatinum and went into the top ten in the United States and elsewhere around the world.

By 1994, a sober Rudd had returned. The departure of Chris Slade was, however, amicable and mainly due to the band's strong wish to return with Rudd. According to Angus Young, Slade was the best musician in AC/DC, but the wish to regroup with Rudd was stronger. With the 1980–1983 lineup back, the group recorded Ballbreaker (1995) with hip hop and heavy metal producer Rick Rubin and Stiff Upper Lip (2000).

BallbreakerIn 2002, Q magazine put AC/DC at the very top of the "50 Bands To See Before You Die" list. AC/DC have entered into a long-term, multi-album deal for new recordings, which will be released through Epic Records.

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction

In March 2003, the walls at New York City's historic Waldorf Astoria hotel shook, as AC/DC performed "Highway To Hell" during part of their induction to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and "You Shook Me All Night Long" with guest vocals by Steven Tyler of Aerosmith, who inducted AC/DC into the hall of fame. "AC/DC became the litmus test of what rock does," Tyler said. "Does it make you clench your fist when you sing along? Does it scare your parents to hell, and piss off the neighbours? Does it make you dance so close to the fire that you burn your feet--and still don't give a rat's ass? Does it make you want to stand up and scream for something that you're not even sure of yet? Does it make you want to boil your sneakers, and make soup outta your girlfriend's panties? (audience laughter) If it doesn't, then it ain't AC/DC". Alongside the band were two of Scott's nephews. In a brief acceptance speech, the band again thanked the fans for their support. Brian Johnson quoted the band's 1977 song "Let There Be Rock," written by Bon Scott. "In the beginning, back in 1955, man didn't know about the rock 'n roll show and all that jive. The white man had the schmaltz, the black man had the blues, but no one knew what they was gonna do, but Tchaikovsky had the news, he said, let there be rock", Johnson said, "Bon Scott wrote that. And it's a real privilege to accept these awards tonight."

In May 2003, Malcolm Young accepted the Ted Albert Award for Outstanding Service to Australian Music and paid special tribute to Bon Scott. That same year, the Recording Industry Association of America upgraded the group's US sales figures, increasing their cumulative sales from 46.5 million to 63 million, making AC/DC the fifth-best-selling band in US music history, behind The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and the Eagles. The RIAA also certified the classic Back in Black album as double diamond (20,000,000) US sales, making it the sixth-best-selling U.S. album in history. As of 2005, the album has sold 21 million copies, moving it into fifth place.

On July 30 of the same year, the band gave a performance with the Rolling Stones at the "Sarsfest", Toronto Rocks, in Toronto, Canada. Held before an audience of 500,000, the concert was held to help the city overcome the effects of the 2003 SARS epidemic.

Stiff Upper LipJohnson has long been working on a musical version of Helen of Troy; he was inspired to do so after seeing Cats and describing it as 'fucking shit, wrist-cuttingly bad'.

On 1 October 2004 Melbourne's road Corporation Lane was officially renamed "ACDC Lane" in honour of the band (street names in the City of Melbourne cannot contain the "/" character). It is near Swanston Street, the location where, on the back of a truck, the band recorded their video for the 1975 hit "It's a Long Way to the Top". (Two members of the band were born in Melbourne.) There is another street named after the band in Leganés, Spain (near Madrid) Calle de AC/DC, close to other streets named after Iron Maiden and Rosendo, Spanish hard rock legend.

In March, 2005, an official two-disc DVD set containing music videos, live clips and promotional videos called Family Jewels was released. The first disc is from the Bon Scott era (with live videos shot ten days before his death), and the second disc is from the Brian Johnson era.


It has been said by Angus Young that the name's origins are from the back of his sister Margaret Young's sewing machine. The acronym "AC/DC" stands for "Alternating Current/Direct Current" and refers to electrical currents. Angus Young liked the way that this name symbolized the band's energy and "High Voltage Rock'n'Roll".

The band was initially unaware of the bisexual connotation of the term; public response finally brought it to their attention. This public perception was exacerbated by their early "glam rock" image, which included satin jumpsuits (common rock attire in the early 1970s) and other costumes including Angus' schoolboy persona. Many bands at the time, however, adopted a deliberately theatrical and androgynous look at the time, including two of Malcolm's heroes: The Rolling Stones and Marc Bolan.

Some religious figures have suggested that the name stood for "Anti-Christ/Devil's Children", After Christ /(the) Devil Comes and "Anti Christ / Death to Christ; the rumour has long persisted both among critics who, already disliking the band's image, use it to paint the band as Satanists, The band has stated this is not true and these accusations are laughed at (Malcolm adding, "Me mum would kill me for that!") . This was also denied stating publicly, "We write songs like this to make a point and to give the listeners a picture in their minds." (For example, the band states that Highway to Hell was written about touring on the roads of America, before they were highly popular.

The name AC/DC is pronounced one letter at a time, although the band is nicknamed by its Australian fans as "Acca Dacca", a parody of the AC/DC name.


See also: Minor members of AC/DC
Main members and discography (Australian releases) Year Lead
guitar Rhythm
vocals Lead
vocals Bass/vocals Drums Album
1973 Angus
Young Malcolm
Young Dave
Evans Larry Van Kriedt Colin Burgess
1974 Rob Bailey Peter Clack
1975 Bon
Scott George Young Tony Currenti High Voltage
1976 Mark Evans Phil Rudd T.N.T. + Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
1977 Let There Be Rock
1978 Cliff Williams Powerage + If You Want Blood You've Got It
1979 Highway To Hell
1980 Brian
Johnson Back in Black
1981 For Those About to Rock
1983 Flick of the Switch
1984 Simon Wright
1985 Fly on the Wall
1986 Who Made Who
1988 Blow Up Your Video
1990 Chris Slade The Razor's Edge
1992 Live + Live: 2 CD Collector's Edition
1995 Phil Rudd Ballbreaker
2000 Stiff Upper Lip

AC/DC band members (1973) Dave Evans - vocals
Angus Young - guitar
Malcolm Young - guitar
Larry Van Kriedt - bass guitar
Colin Burgess - drums

(1974) Dave Evans - vocals
Angus Young - guitar
Malcolm Young - guitar
Rob Bailey - bass guitar
Peter Clack - drums

(1975) Bon Scott - vocals
Angus Young - guitar
Malcolm Young - guitar
George Young - bass guitar
Tony Currenti - drums

(1976-1977) Bon Scott - vocals
Angus Young - guitar
Malcolm Young - guitar
Mark Evans - bass guitar
Phil Rudd - drums

(1978-1980) Bon Scott - vocals
Angus Young - guitar
Malcolm Young - guitar
Cliff Williams - bass guitar
Phil Rudd - drums

(1980-1983) Brian Johnson - vocals
Angus Young - guitar
Malcolm Young - guitar
Cliff Williams - bass guitar
Phil Rudd - drums

(1983-1989) Brian Johnson - vocals
Angus Young - guitar
Malcolm Young - guitar
Cliff Williams - bass guitar
Simon Wright - drums

(1990-1994) Brian Johnson - vocals
Angus Young - guitar
Malcolm Young - guitar
Cliff Williams - bass guitar
Chris Slade - drums

(1995-present) Brian Johnson - vocals
Angus Young - guitar
Malcolm Young - guitar
Cliff Williams - bass guitar
Phil Rudd - drums


Main article: AC/DC discography
Studio albums
1975: High Voltage (Australia)
1976: T.N.T. (Australia)
1976: High Voltage
1976: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (Australia)
1976: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
1977: Let There Be Rock (Australia)
1977: Let There Be Rock
1978: Powerage
1979: Highway to Hell
1980: Back in Black
1981: For Those About to Rock We Salute You
1983: Flick of the Switch
1984: '74 Jailbreak
1985: Fly on the Wall
1986: Who Made Who
1988: Blow Up Your Video
1990: The Razor's Edge
1995: Ballbreaker
1997: Bonfire
2000: Stiff Upper Lip

Live albums

1978: If You Want Blood You've Got It
1992: Live
1992: Live: 2 CD Collector's Edition
1997: Live from the Atlantic Studios
1997: Let There Be Rock: The Movie


1980: AC/DC: Let There Be Rock
1985: Fly on the Wall
1986: Who Made Who
1989: AC/DC (Released in Australia only)
1991: Clipped
1991: Live at Donington
1993: For Those About to Rock We Salute You
1996: No Bull
2001: Stiff Upper Lip Live
2003: Live '77 (Released in Japan only)
2004: Toronto Rocks
2005: Family Jewels

Influences and tributes

AC/DC has been mentioned by many contemporary and later hard rock, heavy metal(although they distanced themselves from this genre) and progressive rock bands as an influence, including Anthrax, Bon Jovi, The Darkness, Def Leppard, Dio, Dokken, Dream Theater, Exodus, Faster Pussycat, Iron Maiden, Great White, Guns N' Roses, Hanoi Rocks, Journey, Megadeth, Metallica, Mötley Crüe, Ozzy Osbourne, Poison, Ratt, Rhino Bucket, Saxon, Scorpions, Skid Row, Supagroup, Tool, Twisted Sister, UFO, Van Halen, Whitesnake, Wolfmother and Y&T.

Many artists within the punk rock, hardcore punk, grunge, garage rock and alternative rock movements have also cited AC/DC as an influence. Whilst AC/DC themselves were initially critical of the British punk movement of the late 1970s, many artists within the scene drew on AC/DC's energetic, basic and (as some may argue) anti-commercialist approach to rock music.

AC/DC's legacy on the Australian music scene should not be underestimated. Virtually every Australian rock band to emerge since the mid 1970s has been influenced by AC/DC, including their "contemporaries" within the Australian pub rock movement which emerged at the same time. Some of the notable Australian acts who have acknowledged the influence of AC/DC include Blood Duster, Frenzal Rhomb, Dallas Crane, INXS, Jet, The Living End, Midnight Oil, Powderfinger, Silverchair, Wolfmother, Spiderbait and You Am I.

Tributes by other artists

Many artists have paid tribute to the works of AC/DC, and many tribute albums have also been issued. The list is very extensive - examples include the following:

Thrash metal group Exodus covered two songs "Overdose" (on their 1989 album Fabulous Disaster) and "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" (on the digipack version of their 2004 album Tempo of the Damned)
The Pop punk band The Offspring covered the song "Sin City". It is on the 2001's Million Miles Away Single.
In 1989 or 1990, the Canadian heavy metal group Annihilator released a song cover of "Live Wire" and appeared on their 1996 live album In Command.
Power metal group Iced Earth covered two songs "Highway to Hell" and "It's a Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna Rock 'N' Roll)" on the 2002 covers album Tribute to the Gods.
2004 saw the release of a tribute to AC/DC album The Rock-A-Billy Tribute to AC/DC.
The Colombian singer Shakira covered the song "Back in Black" in "Live & Off the Record (CD & DVD)"
The garage rock band The Hives covered the song "Back in Black".
In 2005, Nerf Herder frontman Parry Gripp released his first solo album titled For Those About to Shop, We Salute You as a parody of the title For Those About To Rock (We Salute You). The album cover is also parody of the international version of Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.
Motörhead covered the songs Highway To Hell and It's A Long Way To The Top (If You Wanna Rock & Roll).
Danish death metal band Illdisposed covered Beating Around The Bush on their 2000 release Retro.
American Bluegrass band Hayseed Dixie released the album "A Hillbilly Tribute To AC/DC", which was a cover of many of the band's greatest hits.
The movie School of Rock featured a cover of It's a Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna Rock & Roll). This song is featured on the soundtrack. (The movie also features the original version of For Those About To Rock (We Salute You), though this doesn't appear on the soundtrack.) Also in the movie, Jack Black dresses in a schoolboy outfit for the final performance.
Sprung Monkey performed a cover of Thunderstruck, the latter part of the song incorporating AC/DC lyrics from other songs such as Big Balls and For Those About to Rock (We Salute You). This song appaers on the soundtrack for Varsity Blues.
Marilyn Manson performed a cover of Highway to Hell on the soundtrack of Detroit Rock City.
Mark Kozelek perormed three covers on his ep "Rock 'N' Roll Singer" the covers were radically interpreted into a "folk ballad" style they were so well recieved he decided to do a whole album of AC/DC covers the album was titled "What's Next To The Moon".
- 13:36 - Komentari (9) - Isprintaj - #

15.06.2006., četvrtak

gotovo je!!!

Napokon je završila škola !!!
Sada mozak na pašu i tulumarenje !!!
Uredila sam nalo box-ove!!!
Evo jedne super pjesme !

Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast

"Woe to you, Oh Earth and Sea, for the Devil sends the
beast with wrath, because he knows the time is short...
Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the
beast for it is a human number, its number is Six hundred and
sixty six."

I left alone my mind was blank
I needed time to think to get the memories from my mind

What did I see can I believe that what I saw
that night was real and not just fantasy

Just what I saw in my old dreams were they
reflections of my warped mind staring back at me

'Cos in my dream it's always there the evil face that twists my
and brings me to despair

The night was black was no use holding back
'Cos I just had to see was someone watching me
In the mist dark figures move and twist
Was this all for real or some kind of hell
666 the number of the beast
Hell and fire was spawned to be released

Torches blazed and sacred chants were praised
As they start to cry hands held to the sky
In the night the fires burning bright
The ritual has begun Satan's work is done
666 the number of the beast
Sacrifice is going on tonight

This can't go on I must inform the law
Can this still be real or just some crazy dream
But I feel drawn towards the evil chanting hordes
They seem to mesmerise me ... can't avoid their eyes
666 the number of the beast
666 the one for you and me

I'm coming back I will return
And I'll possess your body and I'll make you burn
I have the fire I have the force
I have the power to make my evil take it's course

- 19:14 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

07.06.2006., srijeda


Nirvana (band)

This article is about the grunge band Nirvana. For the UK-based rock band of the same name, see Nirvana (UK band). For other meanings, see Nirvana (disambiguation).

Left to right: Dave Grohl, Kurt Cobain, Krist Novoselic
Musical artist
Origin Aberdeen, Washington, USA
Genre(s) Alternative rock
Years active 1987–1994
Label(s) Sub Pop
DGC Records
acts Foo Fighters
Sweet 75
No WTO Combo
Eyes Adrift

Current members
Kurt Cobain
Dave Grohl
Krist Novoselic
Former members
Aaron Burckhard
Dale Crover
Dave Foster
Chad Channing
Jason Everman
Dan Peters
Pat Smear

Nirvana was a popular American rock band from Aberdeen, Washington. With the lead single "Smells Like Teen Spirit" from their 1991 album Nevermind, Nirvana exploded into the mainstream, bringing along with it an offshoot of punk and alternative rock that the mainstream media of the time referred to as grunge. Other Seattle grunge bands such as Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, and Soundgarden also gained in popularity, and, as a result, alternative rock became a dominant genre on radio and music television in the United States during the early-to-middle 1990s.

As Nirvana's frontman, Kurt Cobain found himself referred to in the media as the "spokesman of a generation", with Nirvana the "flagship band" of "Generation X".[1] Cobain was uncomfortable with the attention, and placed his focus on the band's music, challenging the band's audience with their third studio album In Utero. While Nirvana's mainstream popularity waned in the months following its release, their core audience cherished the band's dark interior, particularly after their 1993 performance on MTV Unplugged.

Nirvana's brief run ended with the death of Cobain in 1994, but the band's popularity expanded in the years that followed. Eight years after Cobain's death, "You Know You're Right", an unfinished demo that the band recorded two months prior to Cobain's death, topped radio playlists around the world. Since their debut, the band has sold more than fifty million albums worldwide (see also Best selling music artists), including more than ten million copies of Nevermind in the US alone. Nirvana remains a consistent presence on radio stations worldwide.

Contents [hide]
1 Early years
2 Nevermind
3 In Utero
4 After Cobain's death
5 Post-Nirvana
6 Courtney Love & licensing
7 Band members
8 Discography
9 Samples
10 See also
11 Notes
12 References
13 External links

Early years

Nirvana in 1989. Front to back: Cobain, Everman, Channing, NovoselicKurt Cobain and Krist Novoselic met in 1985. Both were fans of The Melvins, and often hung out at the band's practice space. After a couple of false starts at forming their own band, the duo recruited drummer Aaron Burckhard, creating the first incarnation of what would eventually become Nirvana. In the initial months, the pair worked with several drummers, including Dale Crover of The Melvins, who played on their first demos. At the same time, the band went through a series of names, including Skid Row, Pen Cap Chew, and Ted Ed Fred, before finally settling on Nirvana in February of 1988. A couple of months later, the band finally settled on a drummer, Chad Channing.

Nirvana's first official release was the single Love Buzz/Big Cheese in 1988. In 1989, the band released its first album, Bleach, on Sub Pop Records. The record had a limited first pressing of 1000 white vinyl records that were sold at the Lamefest in Seattle on Aug 8, 1989. Bleach was highly influenced by The Melvins, by the heavy dirge-rock of Mudhoney, and by the 70s rock of Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin. Novoselic noted in a 2001 interview with Rolling Stone that the band had played a tape in their van while on tour that had an album by The Smithereens on one side and an album by the black metal band Celtic Frost on the other, and noted that the combination probably played an influence as well.[2] Bleach became a favorite of college radio stations nationally, but gave few hints of where the band would find itself two years later.

Though he did not actually play on the album, Jason Everman was credited as playing guitar on Bleach because he put up the money for the recording sessions: $606.17. After the album was completed, Everman had a brief and contentious stay with the band as a second guitar player, but was sacked following their first US tour. Not long after, he briefly played bass with Soundgarden before joining the band Mind Funk.

In early 1990, the band began working with producer Butch Vig on recordings for the follow-up to Bleach. During the sessions, Kurt and Krist realized that Chad wasn't the drummer the band needed, and he was let go after the sessions were complete. After a few weeks with Dale Crover of The Melvins filling in, they hired Mudhoney drummer Dan Peters, with whom they recorded the song "Sliver". Later that year, Buzz Osborne of The Melvins introduced them to Dave Grohl, who was looking for a new band following the sudden break-up of D.C. hardcore punks Scream.[3]


Nevermind album cover. The baby pictured is Spencer Elden.Following repeated recommendations by Sonic Youth's Kim Gordon, David Geffen signed Nirvana to DGC Records in 1990. The band subsequently began recording its first major label album. The result, Nevermind, is now widely regarded as a classic.

For the album, the band decided to continue working with Vig. Rather than recording at Vig's Madison studio as they had in 1990, the band shifted to Sound City Studios in Los Angeles. For two months, the band worked through a variety of songs in their catalog. Some of the songs, including "In Bloom" and "Breed", had been in the band's repertoire for years, while others, including "On a Plain" and "Stay Away", lacked finished lyrics until mid-way through the recording process. [4]

After the recording sessions were completed, Vig and the band set out to mix the album. However, after a few days, both Vig and the band realized that they were unhappy with how the mixes were turning out. As a result, they decided to call in someone else to oversee the mixing, with DGC supplying a list of possible options. The list contained several familiar names, including Scott Litt (known for his work with R.E.M.) and Ed Stasium (known for his work with The Smithereens). However, Cobain feared that bringing in known mixers would result in the album sounding like the work of those bands. He decided to choose the guy at the bottom of the list next to the name 'Slayer': Andy Wallace. (Wallace co-produced Slayer's 1990 album Seasons in the Abyss.)

Wallace brought to the album a completely different mindset, adding layers of reverb and studio trickery to give the album a glossy polish. A few months after the album's release, Cobain complained in the press that Wallace had made Nevermind sound too slick, even though Wallace had been his own choice and the band themselves had been involved in the mixing process.[5] Even if the band was disappointed at the sound of the album, Wallace had successfully tempered the band's indie rock leanings and created a mainstream-ready rock sound that others would attempt to duplicate for the next decade.

Initially, DGC Records was hoping to sell 250,000 copies of Nevermind, which was the same level they had achieved with Sonic Youth's Goo. Instead, the album was certified triple-platinum (three million copies) in the US less than six months after its release. "Smells Like Teen Spirit" received heavy airplay on MTV, inspiring a slew of imitators and bringing the grunge sound into the mainstream. The popularity of alternative rock, as well as the sidelining of hair metal, is often credited to Nevermind. In January of 1992, the album reached the top of the Billboard album charts, replacing Michael Jackson's album Dangerous, an act often considered the defining symbol of the rise of alternative music over pop. Citing exhaustion, the band decided not to undertake another US tour in support of Nevermind, instead opting to make a handful of performances later that year.

In February of 1992, following the band's Australian tour, Cobain married Courtney Love in Hawaii. Love gave birth to a daughter, Frances Bean the following August. Just days after Frances Bean's birth, Nirvana performed one of its best-known concerts, headlining at the Reading Festival. Cobain entered the stage in a wheelchair as a practical joke, then proceeded to get up and join the rest of the band in tearing through an assortment of old and new material. At one point in the show, Cobain related to the crowd the recent birth of his daughter, and succeeded in having the crowd chant "We love you, Courtney!" in unison. Dave Grohl related in 2005 on the radio program Loveline that the band was genuinely concerned beforehand that the show would be a complete disaster, given all that had happened in the months leading up to the show and given that they had not rehearsed in six months. Instead, the performance ended up being one of the most memorable of their career.

Less than two weeks later, Nirvana put on a memorable performance at the MTV Video Music Awards. MTV had wanted the band to play "Smells Like Teen Spirit", but the band wanted to play a new song called "Rape Me". MTV was appalled at the idea of a song called "Rape Me", and eventually agreed that the band could play "Lithium" instead, the band's then-current single. When the band began their performance, Kurt strummed and sang the first few bars of "Rape Me", giving the MTV executives a solid shock before jumping into "Lithium". Near the end of the song, frustrated that his amp had stopped functioning, Novoselic decided to toss his bass into the air for dramatic effect. He misjudged the landing, and the bass ended up bouncing off of his forehead, forcing him to stumble off the stage in a daze. As Cobain trashed their equipment, Grohl ran to the mic and began yelling "Hi, Axl!" repeatedly, referring to Guns N' Roses singer Axl Rose, with whom the band and Courtney had had a bizarre encounter prior to the show.[6]

Nirvana released Incesticide, a collection of B-sides and rarities, in December of 1992. Many of Nirvana's BBC radio sessions and unreleased early recordings were starting to circulate via trading circles and illegal bootlegs, so the album served to beat the bootleggers to the punch. The album contained such fan favorites as "Sliver", "Dive", "Been a Son", and "Aneurysm" as well as covers of songs by The Vaselines, a band that became more popular as a result of Nirvana's covers.

In Utero

In Utero album coverFor 1993's In Utero, the band brought in producer Steve Albini, perhaps best known for his work on the Pixies album Surfer Rosa. The sessions with Albini were productive and notably quick: the initial version of the album was recorded and mixed in two weeks, a far cry from the months spent recording and mixing Nevermind.

Bringing in Albini appeared to be a deliberate move on Nirvana's part to give the album a rawer, less polished sound, as if the band wanted to alienate or distance some of their new "mainstream" audience who'd paid little or no attention to the alternative, obscure, or experimental bands Nirvana saw as their forebearers. For example, one song on In Utero that featured long periods of shrill feedback noise was titled, ironically, "Radio Friendly Unit Shifter". (In the industry, a "radio-friendly unit shifter" describes an "ideal" album: one capable of heavy radio play and ultimately selling many copies, or "units".) However, Cobain insisted that Albini's sound was simply the one he'd always wanted Nirvana to have: a "natural" recording without layers and layers of studio trickery. [7]

Following its release, fans fell under the impression that the band wanted this distorted masterpiece. However, in reality, the band was actually unhappy with certain aspects of Albini's mixes. Specifically, they thought the bass levels were too low,[8] and Cobain felt that "Heart-Shaped Box" and "All Apologies" didn't sound "perfect".[9] Longtime R.E.M. producer Scott Litt was called in to help remix those two songs, with Cobain adding additional instrumentation and backing vocals. Litt also remixed "Pennyroyal Tea", but Albini's version was used on the album. (DGC later planned to release Litt's remix as a single.)

With In Utero, the band also faced corporate censorship. Giant store chains Kmart and Wal-Mart refused to carry the album, citing song titles like "Rape Me" and Kurt's plastic-fetus collage on the album's artwork as too controversial for the "family-oriented" chains. The band decided to abide by the request, and compiled a version of the album with "clean" artwork and "Rape Me" retitled "Waif Me". Other than the inclusion of Litt's mix of "Pennyroyal Tea", however, the music on the album was identical to the wider release. When asked about the edited version, Kurt noted that he could relate to the small-town residents that had no other local music stores and were forced to buy their music at Kmart. [10]

While "Heart-Shaped Box" was received warmly by alternative and mainstream radio, and In Utero debuted at number one on the Billboard Album chart, the album didn't enjoy the same success as Nevermind. When the band embarked on the US In Utero tour, its first major tour of the States since the success of "Smells Like Teen Spirit", it regularly played to half-filled arenas, stymied by the lack of tour support for Nevermind and the challenging new release. (For touring in support of In Utero, the band added Pat Smear of the punk rock band The Germs as a second guitarist.)

In November of 1993, the band decided to change direction and sat down for an appearance on MTV Unplugged. The sessions revealed the depth of Cobain's songwriting, which had often been buried under the sonic fury of the band's sound. The song selection also demonstrated Cobain's broad musical interests through his choice of cover songs. It became a hallmark moment of Nirvana's history, if not amplified by the tragedy soon to follow.

In early 1994, the band embarked on a European tour. While the tour started off well, the performances gradually declined, with Kurt looking bored and distracted during the shows, particularly during the Italian leg of the tour. Following a tour stop at Terminal Eins in Munich, Germany, on March 1st, Cobain was diagnosed with bronchitis and severe laryngitis. The next night's show at the same venue was cancelled. On the morning of March 4th, Cobain was found unconscious by Courtney Love and rushed to the hospital. The doctor told a press conference that the singer had reacted to a combination of Rohypnol and alcohol. The rest of the tour was cancelled, including a planned leg in the UK.

In the ensuing weeks, Cobain's heroin addiction resurfaced. An intervention was organized, and Cobain was convinced to check into rehab. After less than a week in rehab, Cobain climbed over the wall of the facility and flew back to Seattle. A week later, on Friday, April 8, 1994, Cobain's lifeless body was discovered by an electrician at his Seattle home, effectively dissolving Nirvana. (More information regarding the circumstances of Cobain's death can be found in the article for Kurt Cobain.)

After Cobain's death

Unplugged in New York album coverSeveral Nirvana albums have been released since Cobain's death. The first came in November of 1994 with the release of the band's subdued and eerily morbid performance for MTV Unplugged, Unplugged in New York. This album included guest appearances by members of the Meat Puppets, as well as cover versions of songs by the Meat Puppets, Leadbelly, The Vaselines, and David Bowie.

Two weeks after the release of Unplugged in New York, a video compilation of Nirvana performances, titled Live! Tonight! Sold Out!!, was released. Cobain himself had compiled a significant part of the video, which documented much of the Nevermind tour. Memorable footage from the video included an infamous incident with a bouncer at a Texas club in October of 1991, as well as the band's performance of "Aneurysm" donned in dresses at the Hollywood Rock Festival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in January of 1993.

The original intention was to release the MTV Unplugged set in a double-disc package, along with a second disc of live electric material to balance the acoustic set. However, for the two surviving band members, sorting through the treasure trove of Nirvana recordings so soon after Cobain's passing became too emotionally overwhelming.[11] The live disc, a compilation of Nirvana concert recordings, finally saw release in October of 1996, titled From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah.

In August of 1997, online music news website Wall of Sound reported that Grohl and Novoselic were organizing a box set of Nirvana rarities.[12] Four years later, the band's label announced that the box set was complete and would see release in September to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the release of Nevermind. However, shortly before the release date, Courtney Love filed an injunction to stop the box set's release and sued Grohl and Novoselic, claiming that Cobain's former bandmates were hijacking Nirvana's legacy for their own personal interests. What followed was a protracted legal battle over the ownership of Nirvana's music that lasted for more than a year.[13]

Much of the legal wrangling centered on a single unreleased song, "You Know You're Right", the band's final studio recording. Grohl and Novoselic wanted to include the song on the box set, essentially releasing all of the rarities at one time. Love, however, argued that the song was more important than just a "rarity", and should be included on a single-disc greatest hits compilation. After more than a year of often public and sometimes bizarre legal maneuvering, the parties settled, agreeing on the immediate release of the greatest hits package including "You Know You're Right", titled simply Nirvana. In turn, Love agreed to donate cassette demos recorded by Cobain for use on the box set.

Nirvana fans' first taste of "You Know You're Right" came in early 1995 when Courtney Love played a version of the song with her band Hole on MTV Unplugged under the title "You've Got No Right". A live rough draft version of the song performed by Nirvana at their October 23, 1993 concert at the Aragon Ballroom in Chicago surfaced in Nirvana tape-trading circles a few months later. In the years that followed, rumors of the existence of a studio version of the song perpetuated through Nirvana's fanbase and grew to almost mythic proportions. For fans, the first real confirmation of the studio version's existence came in November 2001 when Access Hollywood aired a ten second clip of the song as part of an interview with Courtney Love. In May of 2002, several longer clips surfaced on the Internet via an unknown source, who claimed he was planning to release the entire song. However, the source backed down, fearing legal action. As the court case neared completion in September of 2002, the entire song unexpectedly leaked, days before the announcement of the release of Nirvana. Even though the studio version turned out itself to be a rough draft with unfinished lyrics, fans and non-fans alike adored the song, leading it to become one of the most-played songs on alternative radio in both 2002 and 2003.

Nirvana was released on October 29, 2002. On top of "You Know You're Right", the album contained hit singles from their three studio albums as well as several alternate mixes and recordings of familiar Nirvana songs. Following its release, many long-time fans complained about the song selection, noting that the alternate version of "Been a Son" (from the Blew EP) was not the band's preferred version, and that the disc lacked songs such as "Sappy" (released as "Verse Chorus Verse") that had received significant radio airplay in the US following Cobain's death. Fans outside the US questioned the inclusion of the Unplugged version of "All Apologies" (as opposed to the single version from In Utero) and the Bleach version of "About a Girl" (where the Unplugged version was a popular single in 1994). Also, with a running time of under fifty minutes, there was certainly ample space to include other popular songs, such as "Love Buzz", "Drain You", "Aneurysm", and "Where Did You Sleep Last Night?" (the latter of which was included on some foreign releases of the disc).

November of 2004 finally saw the release of the Nirvana box set, titled With the Lights Out. The box set contained a vast array of early Cobain demos, rough rehearsal recordings, and live tracks recorded throughout the band's history. Of note to serious Nirvana fans were unfinished studio recordings of "Old Age" and "Verse Chorus Verse" (different from "Sappy") recorded during the Nevermind sessions. Another notable track on the box set was a solo acoustic demo of a song called "Do Re Mi", recorded by Cobain in his bedroom. The song showed that even in the turmoil of his final days, Kurt still had the gift for melody that he had demonstrated so many years earlier in songs like "About a Girl".

A best-of-the-box compilation titled Sliver: The Best of the Box was released in the fall of 2005. The CD compiled nineteen tracks from the box set plus three previously unreleased tracks, including a version of the song "Spank Thru" from the fabled 1985 Fecal Matter demo tape. According to Rolling Stone, Cobain's daughter Frances Bean aided in the selection of the title and cover art. [14]

In a 2002 interview with Jim DeRogatis,[15] Courtney Love described the countless rehearsal tapes, demos, and bedroom recordings that were left behind after Cobain's death. For example, a four-track version of "Do Re Mi" was apparently recorded with Kurt on drums, Pat Smear on guitar, and Eric Erlandson on bass. Whether anything from the remaining archive will ever see release remains to be seen.

In the years following Nirvana's disbanding, both of its surviving members have remained active musically. Not long after Cobain's death, Grohl recorded a series of demos which eventually became the debut album for the Foo Fighters. As of 2005, the Foo Fighters have released five commercially successful albums. The most recent Foo Fighters release, In Your Honor, features a song called "Friend of a Friend", which Grohl wrote in 1990 about his first encounters with Cobain and Novoselic.

Beyond the Foo Fighters, Grohl has also drummed for bands including Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Mike Watt, Queens of the Stone Age, Tenacious D, Nine Inch Nails, Garbage, and Killing Joke. He also recorded an album of metal songs featuring many of his favorite early-80s metal singers under the name Probot.

After the end of Nirvana, Novoselic formed Sweet 75. More recently, he founded Eyes Adrift with Curt Kirkwood (formerly of the Meat Puppets) and Bud Gaugh (formerly of Sublime). He also performed in a one-off band called the No WTO Combo with Kim Thayil of Soundgarden and Jello Biafra of the Dead Kennedys that coincided with the WTO Meeting of 1999. Novoselic's other credits include playing bass on a song performed by Johnny Cash for the 1996 Willie Nelson tribute album "Twisted Willie", as well as playing farfisa organ on "Against the 70s" for Mike Watt's 1995 album Ball-Hog or Tugboat?.

More significantly, Novoselic has become a political activist, founding the political action committee JAMPAC to push musicians' rights. In 2004, he released a book titled Of Grunge and Government: Let's Fix This Broken Democracy, which covered his musical past as well as his political endeavors. During the 2004 Presidential campaign, Grohl and Novoselic appeared on stage together in support of the John Kerry campaign.

While Nirvana came to a sudden conclusion following their final show in Munich, the remaining members of the band (including Pat Smear) offered a bittersweet farewell to the band's fans. At the end of the Foo Fighters' 1997 performance at the Bumbershoot festival in Seattle, Grohl suddenly jumped behind the drum kit, with Novoselic wandering onstage with bass guitar in hand. The trio (Grohl, Novoselic, and Smear) serenaded the enthusiastic crowd with loose covers of Prince's "Purple Rain" and Led Zeppelin's "Communication Breakdown". The short performance served as a lighthearted (and loud) nod to Seattle and all who supported Nirvana during its short, tumultuous, and unforgettable run.

Courtney Love & licensing
On April 13, 2006, Kurt Cobain's widow, Courtney Love, announced that she had arranged to sell twenty-five percent of her stake in the Nirvana song catalog in a deal estimated at $50 million. The purchaser was Larry Mestel, a former CEO of Virgin Records and current head of Primary Wave Music Publishing. As Love controlled ninety-seven percent of Nirvana's catalog, the deal means that Mestel has a significantly larger stake than Novoselic and Grohl combined. [16]

To preemptively squelch backlash from fans worried about the overcommercialization of a decidedly anticorporate band, Love sought to assure the Nirvana faithful that the music would not simply be licensed to the highest bidder. In her released statement, Love wrote, "We are going to remain very tasteful and true to the spirit of Nirvana while taking the music to places it has never been before."

Band members
Kurt Cobain - vocals, guitar (1987–1994)
Krist Novoselic - bass (1987–1994)
Dave Grohl - drums (1990–1994)

Aaron Burckhard - drums (1987–1988)
Dale Crover - drums (1987–1988, 1990)
Dave Foster - drums (1988)
Chad Channing - drums (1988–1990)
Jason Everman - guitar (1989)
Dan Peters - drums (1990)
Pat Smear - guitar (1993–1994)
- 17:25 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #

25.05.2006., četvrtak


Evo doma sam i dosađujem se, čekam kraj školske godine. Tako mi je dosadno da ni ime posta nemogu smisliti !!

Former Nirvana bassist Chris Novoselic is one of rock's most politically minded musicians. Born Krist Anthony Novoselic on May 16, 1965 in Los Angeles, CA, to Croatian immigrants, Novoselic and his family remained in California until 1979, when they moved to the tiny logging town of Aberdeen, WA. Novoselic had changed the spelling of his first name to "Chris," although he would go back and forth between the spellings throughout the years. Feeling self-conscious and like an outsider among his new schoolmates (he was extremely tall for his age and had a severe underbite), Novoselic discovered such classic rockers as Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, and Black Sabbath, as well as such new wave bands as Devo. But it wasn't until a yearlong trip to his parent's native country of Croatia in 1980 that he discovered punk rock (Sex Pistols, Ramones, etc.). When he reluctantly returned to the U.S. a year later, Novoselic saved up enough money to buy a guitar, and learned by playing along to blues records.

Novoselic's younger brother, Robert, brought home a new friend one day, Kurt Cobain, who was impressed with the fact that Novoselic was a punk fan. The two had several mutual friends (including the members of a burgeoning local band named the Melvins) and began hanging out shortly thereafter. During his senior year of high school, Novoselic had surgery done on his jaw, fixing his underbite. Cobain tried convincing Novoselic to form a band with him, and after turning down the invitation numerous times, he finally agreed. The duo went through a series of names (and a revolving door of drummers) until settling on Nirvana. The new group specialized in stripped-down punk rock, and was a complete reaction against all the horrible glam metal that had been glutting the charts and the airwaves for years -- taking a pro-feminist stance amidst the overabundance of testosterone-heavy "macho" rock. Their debut release for Sub Pop, 1989's Bleach, established an underground following with the college rock crowd, and shortly after the release of 1991's Nevermind (their first for Geffen), the trio's popularity exploded, as they spearheaded the whole Seattle movement (which included Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, etc.). But after only two more releases (the 1992 B-sides collection Incesticide and 1993's In Utero), Nirvana would abruptly come to an end with Cobain's tragic suicide in April of 1994.

While with Nirvana, Novoselic helped arrange a 1993 benefit show at the Cow Palace in San Francisco that benefited Bosnian rape victims. After Nirvana, Novoselic organized J.A.M.P.A.C. (Joint Artists and Music Promotions Political Actions Committee), which fought against Washington State bills that threatened to limit the distribution and sale of music that certain government groups deemed obscene. Novoselic also teamed up with ex-Dead Kennedys frontman Jello Biafra and ex-Soundgarden guitarist Kim Thayil for a 1999 protest show in Seattle against the World Trade Organization. In addition, Novoselic was a member of the duo Sweet 75, releasing a lone self-titled album in 1997 before breaking up, and by the dawn of the 21st century, was focusing on compiling rare Nirvana tracks for a proposed box set. ~ Greg Prato, All Music Guide

Dave Grohl, born January, 14, 1969, is considered by many to be one of the greatest rock and roll drummers, but recently he has also made a name for himself as a lead singer and guitarist in the post-grunge era of popular music. Grohl began playing drums in punk bands in the 1980s, starting with Freak Baby, which became Mission Impossible and later changed again to Fast. After Fast broke up, Grohl joined the band Dain Bramage, and soon after he auditioned for Scream. At age 16, Grohl became the drummer for Scream, and the band soon began touring throughout the U.S. in 1987 and later in Europe.

Then came Nirvana. Kurt Cobain--lead guitarist, songwriter, and singer--and Krist Novoselic--bass player--saw Grohl drumming for Scream and were so blown away that they asked him to join the band in 1990. Nirvana had already released their first album, Bleach (on which Dale Crover and Chad Channing played drums), in 1989 and soon set to work with Grohl on their follow-up album, which would be called Nevermind.

Nevermind was released on September, 24, 1991, raged to the top of the charts, and wreaked havoc on the popular music scene. Hard-hitting, yet melodic, Nevermind led the charge for grunge and "alternative" music, which also included the bands Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, and Alice In Chains. Grohl's bashing backbeats and raucous rolls with a Ringo Starr-esque touch helped elevate Nirvana as the most important rock band of the '90s.

Incesticide, a collection of B-sides and demos, followed Nevermind, with Grohl playing drums on 6 of the 15 cuts. Then came In Utero, released on September 21, 1993, and widely considered to be Nirvana's masterpiece. Unfortunately, 7 months later, Cobain killed himself, and Nirvana was done. MTV Unplugged In New York, recorded on November 18, 1993, was released after Cobain's death in the fall of 1994.

Prior to the death of Cobain and Nirvana, Grohl had been working on some music of his own. However, he was so broken up about Cobain's death that he almost quit playing music entirely. Nonetheless, Grohl persevered with the help of friends and continued making what would be the first Foo Fighers album.

Grohl played all the instruments (he has played guitar since age 10) on the album--which was called Foo Fighters and was released on July 4, 1995--except for Greg Dulli's (the lead singer of Afghan Whigs) guitar part on the song "X-Static." Grohl wanted to tour to support the album, but he had no band. He soon found the pieces, though: Pat Smear, who had joined Nirvana as its second guitarist, and former Sunny Day Real Estate members Nate Mendel (bass) and William Goldsmith (drums). Grohl emerged--or rather, burst--from the behind the drum kit to play guitar and sing for Foo Fighters.

Foo Fighters went platinum and spawned three hit singles: "This Is A Call," "I'll Stick Around," and "Big Me." Grohl's primal screaming and seemingly endless energy on stage impressed many. The band was becoming a force.

An amalgamation of live Nirvana performances became the album From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah, which was released in 1996 and signified the true end of the Nirvana and grunge era. Grohl, meanwhile, went back in the studio and began recording Foo Fighters' second album, which would be called The Colour And The Shape.

This project was different for Grohl because he was working this time not only with band members, but as a band leader. During recording, however, Goldsmith decided to leave the band, so Grohl took over drum duties again (although Goldsmith did play drums on the cuts "Doll" and the slow part of "Up In Arms").

Grohl was able to find a new drummer relatively quickly. Soon after the recording of The Colour And The Shape, Taylor Hawkins, who had most recently played with Alanis Morissette, joined the band. Hawkins' photo appeared in the liner notes for The Colour And The Shape, even though he didn't play on the album.

The Colour And The Shape was released on June 20, 1997, and generated four hits: "Monkey Wrench," "Everlong," "My Hero," and "Walking After You." The Foos hit the road soon after, but in the fall of 1997, the band lost another member. At the MTV Video Music Awards, Pat Smear announced he was leaving the band, and Foo Fighters introduced Franz Stahl, one of Grohl's former bandmates in Scream, to take Smear's spot.

Touring in support of The Colour And The Shape, Foo Fighters continued to solidify their place as the kings of post-grunge rock. After being on the road extensively, the Foos rested a bit and then prepared to record another album. Stahl left the band after the tour, and Foo Fighters became a trio for the There Is Nothing Left To Lose sessions.

Grohl, Hawkins, and Mendel went to Grohl's house in Virginia to make the third Foo Fighters album in the spring of 1999. There Is Nothing Left To Lose was released on November 2, 1999, and the first single, "Learn to Fly," received an enormous amount of radio play, as did "Breakout." "Stacked Actors" and "Generator" were also released as singles.

The Foos did some light touring at the end of 1999 and early 2000 with Chris Shiflett as a new guitarist. In March, 2000, they started playing dates as the opening band for the Red Hot Chili Peppers. When this tour was over, Foo Fighters continued blazing a trail on the road on their own and with bands like Queens of the Stone Age.

In February 2001, Foo Fighters won 2 Grammy Awards: Best Rock Album for There Is Nothing Left To Lose and Best Short Form Music Video for "Learn To Fly." In March 2001, Grohl and Hawkins inducted Queen, one of their favorite rock groups, into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Grohl and Hawkins joined 2 of the 3 surviving members of Queen, guitarist Brian May and drummer Roger Taylor, onstage for a riveting version of the Queen classic "Tie Your Mother Down."

- 21:36 - Komentari (9) - Isprintaj - #

22.05.2006., ponedjeljak


Sada sm se upravo probudila bila sm u jutro u školi i bila sam tako umorna. U nedjelju sam do 03:18 ujutro sjedila i pričala sa frendom ispred zgrade . Sada idem nešto malo učiti .

pozz Davor i brzo ozdravi !!
- 15:53 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

21.05.2006., nedjelja


Pobjedila je Finska sa super pjesmom. Ta je pjesma i bila najbolja, a kostimi još bolji, pjevač ima super crvane leće !!
- 14:04 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

10.05.2006., srijeda

Moja kratka priča !!


Bili su to jesenski dani, na drveću više lišća nije bilo, sve je zamrlo, osim one male kuće koja je stajala na kraju sela potpuno sama. Ona je vrvjela životom, svako jutro žena bi se u šarenom kućnom ogrtaču dizala rano i na trijemu kuće ispijala kavu i dijete bi se probudilo vrlo rano, trčkaralo bi livadom i skakalo u lokvice kiše koje su ostale od prethodnog dana . Muškarac bi se ustajao kasno, sjedao bi za svoj stol i pisao pjesme, nije puno komunicirao sa ženom, ali je dijete jako volio. Jednog jutra ta se priča nije izvrtjela, žena nije izašla, dijete se nije igralo, muškarac nije pisao. Naprotiv ta je kuća zamrla poput jeseni. Žene i djeteta nije bilo, a muškarac je ležao u garaži, ali nije ležao svojom voljom, ležao je jer ga je smrt zakovala lancima. Pokraj njega ležala je puška, a njegova glava se nije mogla prepoznati, smo svijetla, duga kosa odavala je tajnu da se radi o njemu. Nitko ne zna što mu se dogodilo. Odgovor zna samo crni gavran koji je spokojno sjedio na grani i sve to promatrao kroz mali prozor. On je odavno odletio, nitko ga više ne može naći i pitati se što se dogodilo. Možda se pridružio muškarcu i možda sada dok ja pišem ovi kratku priču pričaju o životu.

- 19:00 - Komentari (5) - Isprintaj - #

06.05.2006., subota

Novi post !!

Ovaj post posvećujem najljepšoj osobi koja je ikada koračala ovom zamljom. Osobi koja je pjevala i svirala u najboljem bendu ikada . Osobi čiju sliku možote vidjeti na vrhu moga bloga .

Name at birth: Kurt Donald Cobain
Date of birth: 20/02/1967
Place of birth: Aberdeen, Washington, U.S.A
Date of death: 05/04/1994
Place of death: Seattle, Washington, U.S.A
Place of Rest: ?

The Note|

To Buddah: Speaking from the tongue of an experienced simpleton who obviously would rather be an emasculated, infantile complain-ee. This note should be pretty easy to understand. All the warnings from the punk rock 101 courses over the years, since my first introduction to the, shall we say, ethics involved with independence and the embracement of your community has proven to be very true. I haven't felt the excitement of listening to as well as creating music along with reading and writing for too many years now. I feel guilty beyond words about these things. For example when we are backstage and the lights go out and the manic roar of the crowds begin, it doesn't affect in which the way it did for Freddie Mercury, who seemed to love, relish in the love and adoration from the crowd which is something I totally admire and envy. The fact is I can't fool you, any one of you. It simply isn't fair to you or me. The worst crime I can would be to rip people off by faking it and pretending as if I'm having 100% fun. Sometimes I feel as if I should have a punch-in time clock before I walk out on stage. I've tried every thing wthin my power to appreciate it (and I do, God, believe me I do, but it is not enough). I appreciate the fact that I and we have affected and entertained a lot of people. It most be one of those narcissists who only appreciate things when they're gone. I'm too sensitive. I need to be slightly numb in order to regain the enthusiasms I once had as a child. On our last 3 tours, I've had much better appreciation for all the people I've known personally, and as fans of our music, there's is good in all of us and I think I simply love people too much, so much that it makes me feel too fucking sad. The sad little, sensitive unappreciative, Pisces, Jesus man. Why don't you just enjoy it? I don't know! I have a goddess or a wife who sweats ambition and empathy and a daughter who reminds me too much of what I used to be, full of love and joy, kissing every person see meets because everyone is good and will do her no harm. And that terrifies me to the point to where I can barely function. I can't stand the thought of Frances becoming the miserable, self-destructive, death rocker that I've become. I have it good, very good, and I'm grateful, but since the age of seven, I've become hateful towards all humans in general. Only because it seems so easy for people to get along that have empathy. Only because I love and feel sorry for the people too much I guess. Thank you all from the pit of my burning, nauseous stomach for you letters and concern during the past years. I'm too much of an erratic, moody baby! I don't have the passion anymore, and so remember, it's better to burn out than fade away. Peace, love, empathy. Kurt Cobain. Frances and Courtney, I'll be at your altar. Please keep going Courtney, for Frances. For her life, which will be so much happier without me. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU!

Jednostavno on je savršen, možda se to savršenstvo nikada ne bi postiglo da se njemu nije dogodilo to što je .Njegovom smrću svijet izgubio jako puno , ali će on iako mrtav zauvijek živjeti u našim srcima .
- 16:30 - Komentari (12) - Isprintaj - #
1. I'm The Only Way

They've tried to convert me to this faith
but I have chosen isolation
I sacrifice my blood and suffering to God
and to my black soul anxiety

Rape me
Rape my soul

Tell me how to survive another night
Fear means nothing to me, but still!
If I could mark you with desire
You will remain lonely in your own world

Let us talk about the only truth
A few words which will change your life
Your calm existence will guarantee death
Tension and fear will bring salvation

I am the only creator of beauty
You will ask what's the creator's name
Call out to me
For a moment I will not tell you to wait
You're hungry for knowledge
Love me

Where you die every day
I open the gates of endless dreams
I am only an unfulfilled dream
I am only a part of the whole
Where I kill every day
I open gates to a new world
I am the omnipotent master there
My name's "liar"

2. In Despair Of Solitude

I heard once
The wind roar in trees
I heard once
Children laugh
And I cried
For the lost life

Let them discover solitude
Let them discover every sorrow
"And I will give you hope" said the master
But it is already not there
Let them discover love
Let them discover every day
"And I will give you hope" said the master
But it is already not there

Decay is their play
Despair is their game
And only screams can be heard
When tears wake them from their dreams

This dark night - Kills me
This cold night - Kills me

There's only chaos around
Sunk in solitude
They can only see a black shadow
Murmur wakes them from their dreams

And her solitude - beauty
And her loving - beauty
And killing her - beauty
And her rebirth - beauty

In the name of the father
I die every night
In the name of the father
The only way left for me

3. And If I Say That You Died

Night full of ecstasy
I remember I was there
But my palms forgot
The softness of her skin
But my voice changed tone
I remember, I told her
Thousands of unnecessary words
I remember only the one

If I say that you died
Will you forgive me your tears?
As a punishment I am empty inside
I scream and bleed in my sleep

And I do not know where I left you
Because you wanted to find yourself?

Words meaning nothing
Many confessions, intimate ones
I found consolation in a secret
And though there were many words
I saw your other face - You laughed

I am tired of this waiting
I forgot all the nights we spent together
And if I say that you died
Will you forgive me my desire?
I wrote these last few words
Because I remember what I told you

And if I say that you died
Will you forgive me my desire?
And if I say that you died
Will you forgive me your tears?

I will never know the secret
I reconciled my life with the time
And when I am alone I laugh asking
For your favourite colour

And I already remember what I told you
I told you that you died

4. Cutting God's Throat

Existence of feelings
Is like a simple sorrow
To feel the existence
We desire the fruit of the holy
Millions of human souls
Deluded by a mysterious game
On rainy days are on their own
And shout out sad thoughts
In gardens of pain
We spend our lives
Every moment there
Is joy and madness
In the chaos of thoughts
We look over our dreams
These are the gardens of pain
Places of nonentity

Deep penetration
Intensive feelings
A bloody stump
Our worthless world
A mine of excrements
Experiments of life
In the gardens of pain
I cut God's throat

Sweet suffering
Welcome to my world
Sweet suffering
Is the ecstasy of feeling

My dream
Is not
My dream
Is not - realized

I see a splendid place
I can see the sweet time of existence
No - I am not there
This island without forgiveness

I can only see liars
I can see sick people
They said so much
To destroy my world
These are liars

5. Place Where You Are

I'm losing you
This is an ill dream
Invisible so

I chose for You
A lonesome place
So quiet
and beautiful
A lonesome place

I've lost you, gone
You died lonely
I killed you

You died in a dream
Lost paradise for you
This is my vengeance
For your faith in God

I killed so suddenly

The funeral for you
Without witnesses and ceremony
In green paradise
You were so naked
The funeral for you
Without hope or a priest
In green paradise
You were so beautiful

I am the way for you

1. At Last

Fell it burning your soul
There’s nowhere you can hide
Tonight there’ll be no excuses
Tonight you’ll pay the price
At last
Voices coming your way
A cold sweat runs down your spine
You know there’s no tomorrow
They’re coming to say goodnight
At last

Feel it running through your veins
Feel their anger, feel the shame
And remember those fragile faces
And a choice in your hands

As you’re taking your last breath
Your whole life passes through your head
The fall of the final grain of sand
The time has come, your time has come at last

You had your chance in life
People that really cared
You never thought that mattered
Now you know what it meant
At last

And now the time is coming
You say that you regret
You cry for any god’s name
But it’s too late my friend
At last

You know the the time is coming
You know the the time is coming
Your time has come at last

2. A Toast To Your Life

Please tell me that it’s not true
Yes, there must be some mistake
I still can’t believe it
Still think about you everyday
We all try to pretend
Or we never think it can happen to us
But the truth is different
No one is safe here at all

Everyday I wake up, and it’s like nothing has changed
Then I think of you, I know it will never be the same
All the laughs we shared, the suffering of your last days
I know you’re better now, no more laughter, but no more pain.

All the things that you’ve been through
All the good things that you did
They were just not enough
To guarantee you here with me

We all try to pretend
We always find a way to explain
But the truth is different
Nothing you do can change it

Life goes on, they say. it’s just a matter of time
So I’m here today, to celebrate your life

Raise your glasses now, everyone in town
This song will be just like a toast to your life
Come on here with me, everybody, cheers
Listen to me, ‘cause it’s a toast to your life

Living is not that easy, now that you’re gone
But I’ll try to make it better every time I play this song


It will always be

One thing I know,
Is that you’ll always be by my side
And every note I play
Will be a pray for you,
I know you’re praying for me too


A celebration of your life
Here I am toasting to your life
A celebration of your life

Here I am toasting to your
A celebration of your
A song to celebrate our lives

3. No One Can Stop Us!!!

Here we are again, ready to burn down the place
They’ve turned down the lights, that’s the cue for us to start
No motherfucker’s going to stop us now!
Up here on the stage sweat’s running down my face
It’s too hot in here, I don’t know how we can still breathe
No motherfucker’s going to stop us now, and that’s for sure!

We are here, We’re here just for you
You know exactly what to do
Let’s put this place on fire

You hear the guitar sound, and your blood is boiling down
And now the damage’s done, there’s nowhere for you to run
There’s nothing you can do to stop it now!

‘Cause that’s like a disease, it puts you down on your knees
But you want it so much, the more you get, the more you want
There’s nothing you can do to stop it now, and that’s for sure!

I know that they can’t stop us now
(No one can stop us!!!)
You know that they can’t stop us now
(No one can stop us!!!)

‘Cause that’s the right place for us all
Loud and proud, we heard the call

It doesn’t matter what they say
We’ll make it happen, yes we can
We’ll never gonna give up
I know we’ll stand together ‘till the end

Now you’re on the stage with a guitar on your hands,
And by the smile on your face, I know what is taking place
No motherfucker’s going to stop you now, and that’s for sure

4. Over The Edge

Watch me fall
You wouldn’t lose it for nothing
You never fall
But likes to watch people falling
Everyone say it’s so hard to climb
With walls of 25,000 feet
My hands are grabbing the rope so tight
I’m trying to make it, but then I slip

And fall again
You like what you see once more
Then you sit and wait
Somebody else hits the floor

And as I hear the roar of the crowd
I try to think just in what I’m doing
I’m getting closer, I see the top now
I’m almost there, I will do it, look at me

Look at me now
I’m standing at the top of the mountain
Above the clouds
But I know that things can change suddenly

‘Cause I’m over the edge, now
I like to be over the edge
I always live over the edge, baby

Watch me fall
The same scene over again
But you will never know
Which way I took to get up there

You’re an expert in the art of falling
‘though never tried to climb a mountain
But then again when you thought I would fall
I’m here reaching the summit, look at me

Look at me now
I’m standing at the top of the mountain
Above the clouds
But I know that things can change, but not now
Look at me now
I’m standing at the top of the mountain
Above the clouds
But I know that things can change suddenly

Next time I’m gonna make it
But if I fall,
I’ll fly and then I’ll get higher
And higher

Now I’m so high that you can’t see me
I’m so much high for you to see
Now I’m so high that you can’t see
I’m so much high for you to see

But I’m over the edge, now
I like to be over the edge

5. Metallic Mission

[Original version "Missăo Metalica" by Avenger on "Sp Metal I"]

I see the clock striking midnight
Chains are clinking at the corners
Millitary marching can be heard
Lots of shadows under the haze
In every corner there’s a face
In every face you see the power
In every man the will
The confidence in us all

The union is with us
The strength is with us
All together we’ll keep fighting for our goal

Metallic mission, metallic mission
Metallic mission yeah!

Screaming out loud,
We will keep on fighting

6. Riding On Two Wheels

[Original version "Duas Rodas" by Centúrias on "Sp Metal I"]

He always goes down the highway, Like a lightning
He's Running from the common place
Defying the darkness
Crossing highways, he’s tracing his destiny,
Without fear, riding on two wheels.

Riding on two wheels, Riding on two wheels

He always goes down the highway,
The wind is cutting through his skin,
His fate’s being written
As he flies like an eagle

Riding on two wheels, that’s how he lives
And he feeds himself with danger

Riding on two wheels, Riding on two wheels

Draining off the blood of his steel machine,
Down the highway ‘till the end

Riding on two wheels

7. Angels Of Darkness

[Original version "Anjos da Escuridăo" by Salarío Minimo on "Beijo Fatal"]

When you hear the sound of the tolling bells
The gates of heaven will open
Those that have acomplished their mission on earth
Will get into the eternal realm
Those souls that lived in shadows
Will be wandering out in space
And they will cry out for mercy
But then it will be too late

Angels, Angels,
Angels of darkness

8. Metalhead

[Original version "Cabeça Metal" by Salarío Minimo on "Sp Metal I"]

It's a screaming that echoes from inside my head
It's a weight that I carry inside my heart
It's the blood running through my veins that never
And here I stand, always asking for more
Like a man made of steel
Like an ice man, I am
All the emotions are secret
Inside my metalhead
Inside my metalhead

Metal, Metal, Metal

9. Salem (The City Of Witches)

[Original version "Salem (A Cidade Das Bruxas)" by Harppia on "A Ferro e Fogo"]

It Happened circa around 1692,
34 people were executed
The accusation, Witchcraft
The City, Salem
Cats, rats, crows and bats, they act like guardians
While boils the pot of sortilege
And black magic is running loose tonight
But in this city it’s not a sacrilege

Spells and plagues burn in the middle of the night
Making a tormenting omen of the darkness
Human minds pray and proclaim
Satan, come to us, Oh king of the damned

Hold on there, eternal warriors
‘Cause the master’s waiting for you
In loyalty thou shall stay
‘Cause then, hell will be yours

Salem, the city of witches
Salem, The domain of hell
Salem, The city of witches
Salem, Where evil is eternal

10. Sanctuary

[Original version "Santúario" by Santúario on "Sp Metal II"]

The world is ending, and no one here knows what to do
Victims of despair, they try to run but there’s nowhere to
The crying souls, there’s blood everywhere
Will it be the extinction of the human race?
Where should we go now?
Killing to live
Then a voice cries out


Living under the flames, or with the thunderbolt
Searching for an answer in a world beyond
Opening the old wounds like a hurricane
Living forever, I don't know where and how I'm gonna

Where should we go now?
Killing to live
Then a voice cries out


11. Spartacus, The Gladiator King

[Original version "Espartaco, Gladiador Rei" by Santúario on "Sp Metal II"]

There was a nation, a long time ago,
They always lived like slaves
Then among them a new king arose,
Spartacus was his name
No one to save them, no one to believe,
'Cause they have always lived in fear
The Cowards, killing to live,
He would survive on the arena

Go ahead warriors, to conquer all the world,
Go ahead warriors, our faith’s gonna set us free

But Spartacus, he never lost his faith,
And his people always believed him,
So now, slaves of the faith,
Spartacus gonna set you free

Go ahead warriors, to conquer all the world,
Go ahead warriors, our faith’s gonna set us free

The king, the king,
For now and forever, in spite of the chains

12. Battle At Anthares Setor

[Original version "Batalha no Setor Anthares" by Vírus on "Sp Metal I"]

The forces cut straight through the clouds
The light of Anthares leads their way
They’ve got deadly weapons on their hands
And their armors reflects their hate
The light of Anthares
Reflected in every explosion
Eletronic commandos
Covering all the regions

Deafening noise`s coming out of their wings
Making all the people terrified
An enormous, bloody, laser beam
Destroys every building that’s in sight

They will never stop
‘Cos they want to destroy you

They come from the sky in flames
Down to a planet that’s going to die
The starships spread their lights
Discharging lasers in everything they find

Heavy Metal
Pulsing, shining on and on
The forces of beyond
Conjuring metallic legions

Battles are fought at the sky and earth
They have conquered almost all the land
Shots of fire, flames in the air
A final hellish battle is their plan

And they will not stop
Until they destroy you

13. If You Can't Trust Me (Live)

I did everything that a man can do
Anything that you want
But I don't know if you
If you can trust
Put in risk my skin
Did everything I could
I could give up my life
And still don't know if you
If you can trust me

If you can't trust me
There's nothing more to say
If you can't trust me
Get out of my way!

If I tell you something
You say that it's a lie
If I have a way to prove to you
That's my alibi
If you can trust

You should know that my word
And the attitudes that I take
Mean more than a contract
Signed on every page
If you can trust me

If you can't trust me
There's nothing more to say
If you can't trust me
Get out of my way!
Fuck you, Fuck you...
'Cause I don't wanna live like this!

If you can't trust me
There's nothing more to do
If you can't trust me
Fuck you, Fuck you...
'Cause I don't wanna live like this!

14. MonsteR (Live)

In the beginning everything was silence
You could hardly hear a sound
But suddenly you hear a noise that’s coming
You decide to check it out
You can’t believe in what your eyes are seeing
You can’t believe what you hear
Tonight, today
Beware of the monster, it’s coming your way
Tonight, today
Better hear what I say
Monster sound, like you never heard before
Monster sound, poundin’ kickin’ at your door
Tonight, today
The sound of the monster’s gonna make you insane

The guitar’s screaming through the Marshall speakers
Only they can stand the sound
The bass a pumping’ hard right on your stomach
Like a thunder shakes the ground
The drums making a hole right through your ears
The voice is always too loud

And now the Band is playing the final chords
And it leaves you begging for more
You go to your house and still feel electric
Your jaw’s still dropped to the floor
But there’s another town for us to conquer
So we will do it all once more

- 15:23 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

19.04.2006., srijeda

mrzim kišu!!

Opet pada , sama sam doma slušam glazbu ,pišem ovaj post i čekam frenda da dođe kod mene da mi ne bude ovako dosadno.

Metallica - Devils Dance Lyrics
Yeah, I feel you too
Feel, those things ya do
In your eyes I see a fire that burns just for you
That's running through
deep inside you know, seeds I plant will grow
One day we'll see
The Dance come down to me
Yeah come on come on now take the chance
That's right
Lets danceSnake, I am the snake
Tempting, that bite you take
Let me make your mind, leave yourself behind
Be not afraid
I've got what ya need, hunger Iwill feed
One day we'll see
The dance come down to me
Come on, come on now take a chance
Come danceCome dancin'
(solo)One day you will see
The dance come down to me
Come on, come on now take a chance
(more solo)Yeah, I feel you too
Feel, those things you do
In your eyes I see a fire that burns just for you
Thats running through
Deep inside you know, seeds I plant will grow
One day you'll see
The dance come down to me
Come on, come on now take a chance
That's right
Let's dance!It's nice to see you here,

- 11:21 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

16.04.2006., nedjelja


Javljam se iz dosade i objevljujem super pjesmu:

Led Zeppelin - Stairway to heaven Lyrics
There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold
And she's buying the stairway to heaven
When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for
Ooh, ooh, and she's buying the stairway to heaven

There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings
In a tree by the brook, there's a songbird who sings
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven
Ooh, it makes me wonder
Ooh, it makes me wonder

There's a feeling I get when I look to the west
And my spirit is crying for leaving
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees
And the voices of those who stand looking
Ooh, it makes me wonder
Ooh, it really makes me wonder

And it's whispered that soon if we all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason
And a new day will dawn for those who stand long
And the forests will echo with laughter

If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now,
It's just a spring clean for the May Queen
Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on
And it makes me wonder

Your head is humming and it won't go, in case you don't know
The piper's calling you to join him
Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our souls
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll

And she's buying the stairway to heaven

- 21:03 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


- 19:38 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

12.04.2006., srijeda

napokon praznici !!!

smijehDošao je i taj prekrasan dan ,ali samo 10 dana . Kada prođu ovi praznici jedva čekam najbolje godišnje doba LJETO!!!
evo još jedne super pjesme

Nightwish - Devil & Deep Dark Ocean Lyrics
A snowy owl above the haunted waters
Poet of ancient gods
Cries to tell the neverending story
Prophecy of becoming floods

An aura of mystery surrounds her
The lady in brightest white
Soon the incarnate shall be born
The Creator of the Night

Deep dark is His Majesty's kingdom
A portent of tomorrow's world
There shall the liquid give Him power
The red-eyed unborn lord

Fatal embrace of the bloodred waters
The cradle of infinite gloom
The spell to master this Earth
Carven on an infant's tomb

"I will die for the love of the mermaid
Her seduction beauty and scorn
Welcome to the end of your life
- Hail the Oceanborn!"

"Disgraced is my virginity
Death has woven my wedding dress
Oh Great Blue breathe the morning dew
For you are the cradle of the image of god"

"Brave now long rest is sweet
With me here in the deep"

"I prayed for pleasure wished for love
Prayed for your - "

"Never pray for me!"

"Who the hell are you for me
But a mortal dream to see?"

"This apathetic life must drown
Forever just for me"

"Leave me be
Leave me be
Leave me"

"From cradle to coffin
Shall my wickedness be your passion"

We shall come to set the dolphins free
We shall wash the darkened bloodred sea
Our songs will echo over the mountains and seas
The eternity will begin once again in peace

- 16:32 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

10.04.2006., ponedjeljak

jedva čekam praznike!!!

Još smo dva dana ,a nakon toga doslovno pakao.
Treba ukinuti školu!!! Tko je za ??thumbup
jako je dosadna to misle i životinje sigurno

- 21:53 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #


Evo super pjesme od nirvane:
I'm on my time with everyone
I have very bad posture

Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea
Distill the life that's inside of me
Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea
I'm anemic royalty

Give me a Leonard Cohen afterworld
So I can sigh eternally

I'm so tired I can't sleep
I'm a liar and a thief
Sit and drink pennyroyal Tea
I'm anemic royalty

I'm on warm milk and laxatives
Cherry-flavored antacids

Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea
Distill the life that's inside of me
Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea
I'm anemic royalty
Oooheiii! (x7)

- 21:45 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


opet ja opet pada dosadna kiša , a samo dva dna do praznika samo da na njima ne bude tako.

evo još jedna dobra pjesma

Iron Maiden - Blood Brothers Lyrics
And if you’re taking a walk through the garden of life
What do you think you’d expect you would see?
Just like a mirror reflecting the moves of your life
And in the river reflections of me

Just for a second a glimpse of my father I see
And in a movement he beckons to me
And in a moment the memories are all that remain
And all the wounds are reopening again

Were blood brothers, were blood brothers
Were blood brothers, were blood brothers

And as you look all around at the world in dismay
What do you see, do you think we have learned
Not if you are taking a look at the war-torn affray
Out in the streets where the babies are burned

Were blood brothers, were blood brothers
Were blood brothers, were blood brothers

There are time when I feel I’m afraid for the world
There are times I’m ashamed of us all
When you are floating on all the emotion you feel
And reflecting the good and the bad

Will we ever know what the answer to life really is?
Can you really tell me what life is?
Maybe all the things that you know that are precious to you
Could be swept away by fates own hand

Were blood brothers, were blood brothers
Were blood brothers, were blood brothers

When you think that we’ve used all our chances
And the chance to make everything right
Keep on making the same old mistakes
Makes untipping the balance so easy
When were living our lives on the edge
Say a prayer on the book of the dead

Were blood brothers, were blood brothers
Were blood brothers, were blood brothers

And if you are taking a walk through the garden of life....

- 21:42 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

bok ljudi!!!

evo ja pišem novi post . kod mene je jeko dosadno . vrijeme je odvratno evo jedna dobra pjesma :

iron maiden

I am a man who walks alone
And when I’m walking a dark road
At night or strolling through the park

When the light begins to change
I sometimes feel a little strange
A little anxious when it’s dark

Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a constant fear that someones always near
Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a phobia that someone’s allways there

Have you run your fingers down the wall
And have you felt your neck skin crawl
When you’re searching for the light?
Sometimes when you’re scared to take a look
At the corner of the room
You’ve sensed that something’s watching you

Have you ever been alone at night
Thought you heard footsteps behind
And turned around and no one’s there?
And as you quicken up your pace
You find it hard to look again
Because you’re sure there’s someone there

Watching horror films the night before
Debating wiches and folklore
The unkown troubles on your mind
Maybe your mind is playing tricks
You sense and suddenly eyes fix
On dancing shadows from behind

Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a constant fear that someones always near
Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a phobia that someone’s allways there

When I’m walking a dark road
I am a man who walkes alone

- 18:36 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

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Take the quiz:
Which Nirvana Memeber Are You?

Kurt D. Cobain
yay Your Kurt D. Cobain your the owner of the band you didnt beileve to much in it but it turns out your band was a hit! You also did many drugs but your turned to be a god

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

I am 77% Grunge.
Grunge -o- Rama
I need to go take a bath, man! And I might wanna toss that shirt of mine in the wash? Any grungier and I would be mistaken for mildew, dude.
Take the
Grunge Test
@ FualiDotCom



She eyes me like a pisces when I am weak
I've been locked inside your Heart-Shaped box for weeks
I've been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap
I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn back

Hey - wait
I've got a new conplaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey - wait
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey - wait
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Going blind

Meat-eating orchids forgive no one just yet
Cut myself on angel's hair and baby's breath
Broken hymen of your highness I'm left black
Throw down your umbilical noose so I can climb right back

Hey - wait
I've got a new conplaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey - wait
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey - wait
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Going blind

She eyes me like a pisces when I am weak
I've been locked inside your Heart-Shaped box for a week
I've been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap
I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn back

Hey - wait
I've got a new conplaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey - wait
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey - wait
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Going blind (x3)



Won't you believe it
It's just my luck
No recess
Won't you believe it
It's just my luck
No recess
You're in that school again
No recess

Drain You

One baby to another says -
I'm lucky to have met you
I don't care what you think
Unless it is about me
It is now my duty to completely drain you
A travel through a tube
And end up in your infection
Chew your meat for you
Pass it back and forth
In a passionate kiss
From my mouth to yours
I like you
With eyes so dialated,
I've become your pupil
You've taught me everything
Without a poison apple
The water is so yellow, I'm a healthy student
Indebted and so grateful -
Vacuum out the fluids
Chew your meat for you
Pass it back and forth
In a passionate kiss
From my mouth to yours
I like you
One baby to another says -
I'm lucky to have met you
I don't care what you think
Unless it is about me
It is now my duty to completely drain you
A travel through a tube
And end up in your infection
Chew your meat for you
Pass it back and forth
In a passionate kiss
From my mouth to yours
Sloppy lips to lips
You're my vitamins
I'm like you


Come on over and do the twist
Overdo it and have a fit
Love you so much it makes me sick
Come on over and do the twist
Beat me outta me (x8)
Come on over and do the twist
Overdo it and have a fit
Love you so much it makes me sick
Come on over and shoot the shit
Beat me outta me (x8)
She keeps it pumpin' straight to my heart (x8)

Smells Like Teen Spirit

Load up on guns and bring your friends
It's fun to lose and to pretend
She's over bored and self assured
Oh no, I know a dirty word
Hello, hello, hello, how low? (x3)
Hello, hello, hello!
With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My libido
Hey (x2)
I'm worse at what I do best
And for this gift I feel blessed
Our little tribe has always been
And always will until the end
Hello, hello, hello, how low? (x3)
Hello, hello, hello!
With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My Libido
Hey (x2)
And I forget just why I taste
Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile
I found it hard, it was hard to find
Oh well, whatever, nevermind
Hello, hello, hello, how low? (x3)
Hello, hello, hello!
With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My libido
A denial !! (x9)

Been a Son

- One, Two, Three, Four!
She should have stayed away from friends
She should have had more time to spend
She should have died when she was born
She should have worn the crown of thorns
She should have - been a son
She should have - been a son
She should have - been a son
She should have - been a son
She should have stood out in the crowd
She should have made her mother proud
She should have fallen on her stance
She should have had another chance
She should have - been a son
She should have - been a son
She should have - been a son
She should have - been a son
She should have stayed away from friends
She should have had more time to spend
She should have died when she was born
She should have worn the crown of thorns
She should have - been a son
She should have - been a son
She should have - been a son
She should have - been a son


I'm so happy 'cause today
I've found my friends ...
They're in my head
I'm so ugly, but that's okay, 'cause so are you ...
We've broken our mirrors
Sunday morning is everyday for all I care ...
And I'm not scared
Light my candles, in a daze
'Cause I've found god
Hey, hey hey (x6)
I'm so happy 'cause today
I shaved my head ...
And I'm not sad
And just maybe I'm to blame for all I've heard ...
But I'm not sure
I'm so excited, I can't wait to meet you there ...
But I don't care
I'm so horny, but that's okay ...
My will is good
Hey, hey hey (x6)
I like it - I'm not gonna crack
I miss you - I'm not gonna crack
I love you - I'm not gonna crack
I love you - I'm not gonna crack
I like it - I'm not gonna crack
I miss you - I'm not gonna crack
I love you - I'm not gonna crack
I killed you - I'm not gonna crack
I'm so happy 'cause today
I've found my friends ...
They're in my head
I'm so ugly, but that's okay, 'cause so are you ...
We've broken our mirrors
Sunday morning is everyday for all I care ...
And I'm not scared
Light my candles in a daze ...
'Cause I've found god
Hey, hey hey (x6)
I like it - I'm not gonna crack
I miss you - I'm not gonna crack
I love you - I'm not gonna crack
I miss you - I'm not gonna crack
I like it - I'm not gonna crack
I miss you - I'm not gonna crack
I love you - I'm not gonna crack
I killed you - I'm not gonna crack


Mom and dad went to a show
They dropped me off at Grandpa Joe's
I kicked and screamed, said please, don't go
Grandma take me home (x7)
Wanna be alone
Had to eat my dinner there
Mashed potatos and stuff like that
I couldn't chew my meats too good
Never take me home (x7)
Wanna be alone
She said, well, don't you start your crying
Go outside and ride your bike
Thats what I did, I killed my toad
Never take me home (x7)
Wanna be alone
After dinner, I had ice cream
I fell asleep, and watched TV
I woke up in my mother's arms (Alt: I woke up ill in my mother's arms)
Never take me home (x14)
I wanna be alone

Spank Thru

This song is for the lovers out there (Alt: The summer was melting)
And all the lights on the trees
All the flowers have gingivitis
And the birds fly happily
We're together once again my love
I need you back, oh baby baby
I can't explain just why we lost it from the start
Living without you girl, you only break my heart ... Yeah!
I can feel it, I can hold it, I can pin it, shape it, mold it,
I can cut it, I can taste it, spank it
Beat it while you ... Ah, wait here
I've been looking for days now (Alt: I've been looking for day glow)
Always hearing the same ol'
City boy won't you spank thru?
I can make you do things you won't think you ever could (Alt: I can make it do things you never think it ever do)
I can feel it, I can hold it, pin it, shape it, mold it,
We can cut it, We can taste it, spank it
Beat it 'till you ... Ah, wait here
I've been looking for days now (Alt: I've been looking for day glow)
Always hearing the same ol'
City boy won't you spank thru?
I can make you do things you won't think you ever could (Alt: I can make it do things you never think it ever do)
I've been looking for days now
Always hearing the same ol'
City boy won't you spank thru?
I can make you do things you won't think you ever could
You won't think you ever could

Scentless Apprentice

Like most babies smell like butter
His smell smelled like no other
He was born scentless and senseless
He was born a scentless apprentice
Go away - get away, get a-way
Every wet nurse refused to feed him
Electrolytes smell like semen
I promise not to sell your perfumed secrets
There are countless formulas for pressing flowers
Go away - get away, get a-way
I lie in the soll and fertilize mushrooms
Leaking out gas fumes are made into perfume
You can't fire me because I quit!
Throw me in the fire and I won't throw a fit
Go away - get away, get away, get away, get away, get away, get away, get a-way

Heart-Shaped Box

She eyes me like a pisces when I am weak
I've been locked inside your Heart-Shaped box for a week
I've been drawn into your magnet tar-pit trap
I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn back
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Your advice
Meat-eating orchids forgive no one just yet
Cut myself on angel's hair and baby's breath
Broken hymen of your highness I'm left black
Throw down your umbilical noose so I can climb right back
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Your advice
She eyes me like a pisces when I am weak
I've been locked inside your Heart-Shaped box for weeks
I've been drawn into your magnet tar-pit trap
I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn back
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Your advice (x3)

Milk It

I am my own parasite
I don't need a host to live
We feed off of each other
We can share our endorphins
Doll steak!
Test meat!
Look on the bright side is suicide
Lost eyesight I'm on your side
Angel left wing, right wing, broken wing
Lack of iron and/or sleeping
I own my own pet virus
I get to pet and name her
Her milk is my shit
My shit it is her milk
Doll steak!
Test meat!
Look on the bright side is suicide
Lost eyesight I'm on your side
Angel left wing, right wing, broken wing
Lack of iron and/or sleeping
Doll steak!
Test meat!
Look on the bright side is suicide
Lost eyesight I'm on your side
Angel left wing, right wing, broken wing
Lack of iron and/or sleeping
Protector of the kennel
Ecto-plasma, Ecto-skeletal
Obituary every birthday
Your scent is still here in my place of recovery!

Negative Creep

This is out of our reach
Out of our reach (x2)
And it's gone
This is getting to be
Getting to be (x2)
A drone
Negative creep (x3)
And I'm stoned!
Negative creep (x3)
And I'm ...
Daddy's little girl ain't a girl no more (x4)
Out of our reach (x3)
And it's gone
Getting to be (x3)
A drone
Negative creep (x3)
And I'm stoned!
Negative creep (x3)
And I'm ...
Daddy's little girl ain't a girl no more (x4)
Daddy's little girl ain't a girl no more (x8)


Polly wants a cracker
I think I should get off her first
I think she wants some water
To put out the blow torch
It isn't me
We have some seed
Let me clip
Your dirty wings
Let me take a ride
Don't cut yourself
I want some help
To please myself
I've got some rope
You have been told
I promise you
I have been true
Let me take a ride
Don't cut yourself
I want some help
To please myself
Polly wants a cracker
Maybe she would like some food
She asks me to untie her
A chase would be nice for a few
It isn't me
We have some seed
Let me clip
Your dirty wings
Let me take a ride
Don't cut yourself
I want some help
To please myself
I've got some rope
You have been told
I promise you
I have been true
Let me take a ride
Don't cut yourself
I want some help
To please myself
Polly said
Polly says her back hurts
She's just as bored as me
She caught me off my guard
It amazes me, the will of instinct
It isn't me
We have some seed
Let me clip
Your dirty wings
Let me take a ride
Don't cut yourself
I want some help
To please myself
I've got some rope
You have been told
I promise you
I have been true
Want me take a ride
Don't cut yourself
I want some help
To please myself


I don't care (x2)
Care, care, care, care if I'm old
I don't mind (x3)
Mind, mind, don't have a mind
Get away (x2)
Away, away, away, away from your home
I don't mind (x2)
Mind, mind, mind ...
Even if you have
Even if you need
I don't even care
We could have a tree
We could plant a house
We could build a tree
I don't even care
We could have a tree
She said (x8)
Get away (x2)
Away, away, away from your home
I don't mind (x3)
Mind, mind, don't have a mind
Get away (x2)
Away, away, away, away from your home
I don't mind (x2)
Mind, mind, mind ...
Even if you have
Even if you need
I don't even care
We could have a tree
We could plant a house
We could build a tree
I don't even care
We could build a tree
She said (x8)
Even if you have
Even if you need
I don't even care
We could have a tree
We could plant a house
We could build a tree
I don't even care
We could have all three
She said (x12)
Other interpretations possible.

Tourette's - The Eagle Has Landed

- Hey bootleggers!
So, this is a new song and we don't really feel like ..
actually going through the trouble of putting it out ourselves, so ...
- This song is called "The Eagle has Landed" !
Yeah, and its for all of you bootleggers to go ahead and go !
Try to find something fast, in my eyes
Oh no, that's ok, phone home
Everthing tastes the same, in my eyes
Every day, every taste, in my eyes
Hey! (x3)
Every time it's in his chin, in my eyes
Everything Tennesees, phone home
Bring it down, at the town, in my eyes
Bring it in, set it's in, in my eyes
Hey! (x3)
Try it's sound, something found, it ain't us
Round down, at the town, go home
Round down, something in, mean us
Every taste, something fake, gross
Hey! (x3)
Take ...
Mean heart ...
Mean hearts ...(x3)

Here is an alternate version of the lyrics to this song.

Down down such a fast, in my eyes
Won't ever let you down, flown home
Granted to your sense of sound, oh my eyes
You and me it contains, my heart

Hey! (x3)
Go dark sound check, my eyes
Everything teddy sees, is all wrong
Burnin' down half the town, and my house
Entertaining suicide, well my heart
Hey! (x3)

Jonestown such a frown, see yours
Riddle meal left the town, or go home
Rarin' round such a day, for me uh ..
Hitch a train to Santa Fe, or go horse

Hey! (x3)

Take ...
Mean horse ...
Mean horse ...(x3)
Other interpretations possible.

Blew- Thank you for your patience!
If you wouldn't mind I would like to blew
If you wouldn't care I would like to blew
If you wouldn't mind I would like to leave
If you wouldn't care I would like to breathe
Is there another reason for your stain
Could you believe who we knew was stress or strain?
Here is another word that rhymes with shame
If you wouldn't mind I would like to blew
If you wouldn't care I would like to blew
If you wouldn't mind I would like to leave
If you wouldn't care I would like to breathe
Is there another reason for your stain
Could you believe who we knew was stress or strain?
Here is another word that rhymes with shame
You could do anything

About a Girl
I need an easy friend
I do ... with an ear to lend
I do ... think you fit this shoe
I do ... won't you have a clue
I'll take advantage while
You hang me out to dry
But I can't see you every night
I do
I'm standing in your line
I do ... hope you have the time
I do ... pick a number too
I do ... keep a date with you
I'll take advantage while
You hang me out to dry
But I can't see you every night
I do
I need an easy friend
I do ... with an ear to lend
I do ... think you fit this shoe
I do ... won't you have a clue
I'll take advantage while
You hang me out to dry
But I can't see you every night (x2)
I do ... (x4)

Come As You Are

Come as you are, as you were,
As I want you to be
As a friend, as a friend, as an old enemy.
Take your time, hurry up
The choice is yours, don't be late.
Take a rest, as a friend, as an old memoria
Memoria (x3)
Come dowsed in mud, soaked in bleach
As I want you to be
As a trend, as a friend, as an old memoria
Memoria (x3)
And I swear that I don't have a gun
No I don't have a gun (x2)
Memoria (x4)
And I swear that I don't have a gun
No I don't have a gun (x5)

Jesus Doesn't Want Me For A Sunbeam / Jesus Don't Want Me For A Sunbeam

Jesus, don't want me for a sunbeam
Sunbeams are never made like me (Alt: Sunbeams are laughing at me)
Don't expect me to cry,
For all the reasons you had to die
Don't ever ask your love of me
Don't expect me to cry
Don't expect me to lie
Don't expect me to die for me
Jesus, don't want me for a sunbeam
Sunbeams are never made like me (Alt: Sunbeams are laughing at me)
Don't expect me to cry,
For all the reasons you had to die
Don't ever ask your love of me
Don't expect me to cry
Don't expect me to lie
Don't expect me to die for me
Jesus, don't want me for a sunbeam
Sunbeams are never made like me (Alt: Sunbeams are laughing at me)
Don't expect me to cry,
For all the reasons you had to die
Don't ever ask your love of me
Don't expect me to cry
Don't expect me to lie
Don't expect me to die
Don't expect me to cry
Don't expect me to lie
Don't expect me to die for me
Originally by The Vaselines. Correct title should be "Jesus Don't Want Me For a Sunbeam".
An incorrect title, using "Doesn't", is printed on the MTV Unplugged CD and covers. Though,
I think the Vaselines used the title "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam" ... hmm.

The Man Who Sold The World

We passed upon the stair
We spoke of was and when
Although I wasn't there
He said I was his friend
Which came as a surprise
I spoke into his eyes
I thought you died alone
A long long time ago
Oh no, not me
We never lost control
You're face to face
With The Man Who Sold The World
I laughed and shook his hand
And made my way back home
I searched for form and land (Alt: I searched for foreign land)
For years and years I roamed
I gazed a gazeless stare
At all the millions here (Alt 1: We walked a million years)(Alt 2: With multimillionaires)(Alt 3: We walked a million hills)
I must have died alone (Alt: I must have died along)
A long, long time ago
Who knows?
Not me
We never lost control
You're face to face
With the Man who Sold the World
Originally by David Bowie

Pennyroyal Tea

I'm on my time with everyone
I have very bad posture
Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea
Distill the life that's inside of me
Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea
I'm anemic royalty
Give me a Leonard Cohen afterworld
So I can sigh eternally
I'm so tired I can't sleep
I'm anemic royalty
I'm a liar and a thief
I'm anemic royalty
I'm on warm milk and laxatives
Cherry-flavored antacids
Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea
Distill the life that's inside of me
I'm anemic royalty (x2)


I'm not like them
But I can pretend
The sun is gone
But I have a light
The day is done
But I'm having fun
I think I'm dumb
Or maybe just happy
Think I'm just happy (x3)
My heart is broke
But I have some glue
Help me inhale
And mend it with you
We'll float around
And hang out on clouds
Then we'll come down
And have a hangover ...
Have a hangover (x3)
Skin the sun
Fall asleep
Wish away
The soul is cheap
Lesson learned
Wish me luck
Soothe the burn
Wake me up
I'm not like them
But I can pretend
The sun is gone
But I have a light
The day is done
But I'm having fun
I think I'm dumb
Think I'm just happy (x4)
I think I'm dumb (x12)


Polly wants a cracker
I think I should get off her first
I think she wants some water
To put out the blow torch
It isn't me
We have some seed
Let me clip
Your dirty wings
Let me take a ride
Don't cut yourself
I want some help
To help myself
I've got some rope
You have been told
I promise you
I have been true
Let me take a ride
Don't cut yourself
I want some help
To help myself
Polly wants a cracker
Maybe she would like more food
She asks me to untie her
A chase would be nice for a few
It isn't me
We have some seed
Let me clip
Your dirty wings
Let me take a ride
Don't cut yourself
I want some help
To help myself
I've got some rope
You have been told
I promise you
I have been true
Let me take a ride
Don't cut yourself
I want some help
To help myself
Polly said
Polly says her back hurts
She's just as bored as me
She caught me off my guard
It amazes me, the will of instinct
It isn't me
We have some seed
Let me clip
Your dirty wings
Let me take a ride
Don't cut yourself
I want some help
To help myself
I've got some rope
You have been told
I promise you
I have been true
Let me take a ride
Don't cut yourself
I want some help
To help myself

On A Plain

I'll start this off without any words
I got so high that I scratched 'till I bled
I love myself better than you
I know it's wrong so what should I do?
The finest day that I ever had
Was when I learned to cry on command
I love myself better than you
I know it's wrong so what should I do?
I'm on a plain
I can't complain
I'm on a plain
My brother died every night
It's safe to say, don't quote me on that
I love myself better than you
I know it's wrong so what should I do?
The black sheep got blackmailed again
Forgot to put on the zip code
I love myself better than you
I know it's wrong so what should I do?
I'm on a plain
I can't complain
I'm on a plain
Somewhere I have heard this before
In a dream my memory has stored
As a defense I'm neutered and spayed
What the hell am I trying to say?
It is now time to make it unclear
To write off lines that don't make sense
I love myself better than you
I know it's wrong so what should I do?
And one more special message to go
And then I'm done, then I can go home
I love myself better than you
I know it's wrong so what should I do?
I'm on a plain
I can't complain

Something In The Way

Underneath the bridge
The tarp has sprung a leak
And the animals I've trapped
Have all become my pets
And I'm living off of grass
And the drippings from the ceiling
It's okay to eat fish
'Cause they don't have any feelings
Something in the way, mmm
Something in the way, yeah, mmm
Underneath the bridge
The tarp has sprung a leak
And the animals I've trapped
Have all become my pets
And I'm living off of grass
And the drippings from the ceiling
It's okay to eat fish
'Cause they dont't have any feelings
Something in the way, mmm
Something in the way, yeah, mmm


Many a hand has scaled the grand old face of the plateau
Some belong to strangers and some to folks you know
Holy ghosts and talk show hosts are planted in the sand
To beautify the foothills and shake the many hands
The nothing on the top but a bucket and a mop
And an illustrated book about birds
You see a lot up there but don't be scared
Who needs action when you got words
When you've finished with the mop then you can stop
And look at what you've done
The plateau's clean, no dirt to be seen
And the work it was fun
There's nothing on the top but a bucket and a mop
And an illustrated book about birds
You see a lot up there but don't be scared
Who needs action when you got words
Well the many hands began to scan around for the next plateau
Some said it was in Greenland and some say Mexico
Others decided it was nowhere except for where they stood
But those were all just guesses, wouldn't help you if they could
Originally by the Meat Puppets

Oh, Me

If I had to lose a mile
If I had to touch feelings
I would lose my soul
The way I do
I don't have to think
I only have to do it
The results are always perfect
And that's old news
Would you like to hear my voice
Sprinkled with emotion
Invented at your birth?
I can't see the end of me
My whole expanse I cannot see
I formulate infinity
Stored deep inside me
If I had to lose a mile
If I had to touch feelings
I would lose my soul
The way I do
I don't have to think
I only have to do it
The results are always perfect
And that's old news
Would you like to hear my voice
Sprinkled with emotion
Invented at your birth?
I can't see the end of me
My whole expanse I cannot see
I formulate infinity
Stored deep inside me
Originally by the Meat Puppets

Lake Of Fire

Where do bad folks go when they die?
They don't go to heaven where the angels fly
They go to the lake of fire and fry
Won't see them again 'till the fourth of July
I knew a lady who came from Duluth
She got bit by a dog with a rabid tooth
She went to her grave just a little too soon
And she flew away howling on the yellow moon
Where do bad folks go when they die?
They don't go to heaven where the angels fly
They go down to the lake of fire and fry
Won't see them again 'till the fourth of July
Now the people cry and the people moan
And they look for a dry place to call their home
And try to find some place to rest their bones
While the angels and the devils try to make them their own
Where do bad folks go when they die?
They don't go to heaven where the angels fly
They go down to the lake of fire and fry
Won't see them again 'till the fourth of July
Originally by the Meat Puppets

All Apologies
What else should I be
All apologies
What else should I say
Everyone is gay
What else should I write
I don't have the right
What else should I be
All apologies
In the sun
In the sun I feel as one
In the sun
In the sun
I wish I was like you
Easily amused
Find my nest of salt
Everything is my fault
I'll take all the blame
Aqua seafoam shame
Sunburn with freezeburn
Choking on the ashes of her enemy
In the sun
In the sun I feel as one
In the sun
In the sun
Yeah, yeah yeah yeah
All in all is all we are (All alone is all we all are?)

Where Did You Sleep Last Night?

My girl, my girl, don't lie to me
Tell me where did you sleep last night
In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun don't ever shine
I would shiver the whole night through
My girl, my girl, where will you go
I'm going where the cold wind blows
In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun don't ever shine
I would shiver the whole night through
Her husband, was a hard working man
Just about a mile from here
His head was found in a driving wheel
But his body never was found
My girl, my girl, don't lie to me
Tell me where did you sleep last night
In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun don't ever shine
I would shiver the whole night through
My girl, my girl, where will you go
I'm going where the cold wind blows
In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun don't ever shine
I would shiver the whole night through
My girl, my girl, don't lie to me
Tell me where did you sleep last night
In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun don't ever shine
I would shiver the whole night through
My girl, my girl, where will you go
I'm going where the cold wind blows
In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun don't ever shine
I would shiver the whole night through


Pick me, pick me yeah
Live alone, lone single (Alt: Live alone, lone signal)
At least, at least, yeah
Everyone is hollow
Pick me, pick me yeah
Everyone is waiting
Pick me, pick me yeah
You can even pay them
Dive (x3)
Dive in me
Dive in me (x3)
Kiss this, kiss that yeah
Live alone, lone single (Alt: Live alone, lone signal)
At least, at least, yeah
You could be my hero
Pick me, pick me yeah
Everyone is waiting
Hit me, hit me yeah
I'm real good at hating
Dive (x3)
Dive in me
Dive in me (x3)
Dive (x3)
Dive in me
Dive in me (x6)


Mom and dad went to a show
They dropped me off at Grandpa Joe's
I kicked and screamed, said please, don't go
Grandma take me home (x8)
Had to eat my dinner there
Mashed potatos and stuff like that
I couldn't chew my meat too good
Never take me home (x8) (Alt: Grandma take me home (x8))
She said, well, don't you start your crying (Alt: Said, why don't you stop your crying)
Go outside and ride your bike
Thats what I did, I killed my toad
Never take me home (x8)
After dinner, I had ice cream
I fell asleep, and watched TV
I woke up in my mother's arms
Never take me home (x19)
I wanna be alone


Well he never bleeds and he never fucks
And he never leaves 'cause he's got bad luck.
Well he never reads and he never draws.
And he never sleeps 'cause he's got bad blood, yeah
I'm a stain, I'm a stain, I'm a stain, I'm a stain

Been A Son

She should have stayed away from friends
She should have had more time to spend
She should have died when she was born
She should have worn the crown of thorns
She should have - been a son
She should have - been a son
She should have - been a son
She should have - been a son
She should have stood out in the crowd
She should have made her mother proud
She should have fallen on her stance
She should have had another chance
She should have - been a son
She should have - been a son
She should have - been a son
She should have - been a son
She should have stayed away from friends
She should have had more time to spend
She should have died when she was born
She should have worn the crown of thorns
She should have - been a son
She should have - been a son
She should have - been a son
She should have - been a son


Take a step outside yourself
And you turn around
Take a look at who you are
It's pretty scary
So silly
It's Revolting
You're not much
You can't do anything
Take a step outside the city
And you turn around
Take a look at what you are
It is revolting
You're really nowhere
So wasteful
So foolish
Who said don't look back?
Don't believe 'em
Go for that crazy sounding restaurant
'Cause they're gonna try and get behind you
Don't you let them do it
You know what I'm talking about?
You hear me talking?
You hear me talking!?
It's pretty scary, it's so revolting (x4)
Naaaah !
Take a step outside the country
And you turn around
Take a look at what you are
It is amazing
Take a good look
You're no big deal
You're so petty
It's a laugh
Take a step outside the planet
Turn around and around
Take a look at where you are
It's pretty scary
Originally by Devo

Molly's Lips

She said
She'd take me anywhere
She'd take me anywhere
As long as she stays with me
She said
She'd take me anywhere
She'd take me anywhere
As long as I stayed clean
Kiss kiss Molly's lips (x4 and x8 in the end)
Originally by The Vaselines

Son of A Gun

Up up up and down
Turn turn turnaround
Round round roundabout
And over again
Gun gun son of a gun
You are the only one
Makes any difference what I say
The sun shines in the bedroom
When we play
The raining always starts
When you go away
Up up up and down
Turn turn turnaround
Round round roundabout
And over again
Gun gun son of a gun
You are the only one
Makes any difference what I say
The sun shines in the bedroom
When we play
The raining always starts
When you go away
Up up up and down
Turn turn turnaround
Round round roundabout
And over again
Gun gun son of a gun
You are the only one
Makes any difference what I say
The sun shines in the bedroom
When we play
The raining always starts
When you go away
Originally by The Vaselines

(New Wave) Polly

Polly wants a cracker
I think I should get off of her first
Maybe she wants some water
To put out the blow torch
It isn't me
We have some seed
Let me clip
Your dirty wings
Let me take a ride
Don't hurt yourself
I want some help
To please myself
I've got some rope
You have been told
I promise you
I have been true
Let me take a ride
Don't hurt yourself
I want some help
To help myself
Polly wants a cracker
Maybe she would like more food
She asks me to untie her
A chase would be nice for a few
It isn't me
We have some seed
Let me clip
Your dirty wings
Let me take a ride
Don't hurt yourself
I want some help
To please myself
I've got some rope
You have been told
I promise you
I have been true
Let me take a ride
Don't hurt yourself
I want some help
To please myself (Alt: To help myself)
Polly said
Polly says her back hurts
And she's just as bored as me
She caught me off my guard
It amazes me, the will of instinct
It isn't me
We have some seed
Let me clip
Your dirty wings
Let me take a ride
Don't hurt yourself
I want some help
To please myself
I've got some rope
You have been told
I promise you
I have been true
Let me take a ride
Don't hurt yourself
I want some help
To please myself (Alt: To help myself)

Why doesn't she need him for a father?
Not only maidens can occupy my shack
Goring my manhood turns a man off
Like Pepe LePew would say,
Hey, hey, hey! -- then we clash!
I got my diddly spayed (x3)
I got my diddly
She laughs about it
Shrinking inflections if the wind blows just right
Jacking themselves off polyester!
I wanna jump, this isn't right!
Hey, when am I getting it back?
I got my diddly spayed (x3)
I got my diddly
I don't know why,
I got a joke too silly to say
Don't touch the balls
I got a dick, Dick -- hear my fucking hate!
I got my diddly spayed (x3)
I got my diddly
If you're wondering, it's gaining monthly
Fiberglass insulated,
Disguised as cotton candy,
Spawning downstream, El Rancho Ovulate
Feeling can't help me romp
Bill just fuck me, take me anal
Billy's slit reminds me of someone
I'm sick of paying for the love boat
Tony and Tenille say wanna jump rope
And I say look!
I got my dingaling spayed
I got my liberty
I got my diddly spayed (x2)
... Nothing hard
I gotta be around pussy
Don't let me fall
I got a heh-heh ...
Well you can't live
We got my diddly spayed
I got diddly spayed (x5)
I got diddly


Portray sincerity
Act out of loyalty
Defending your country
Wish away the pain
Hand out lobotomies
To save little families
Surrealistic fantasy
Bland boring plain
Hold me down in restitution
Living out your date with fusion
Is the whole fleece shun in master?
Don't feel guilty, master writing
Somebody said that they're not much like I am, I know I can
Make enough of the words for you to go along and sing your song
Slippery pessimist hypocrite master
Conservative communist apocalyptic bastard
Thank you dear God for putting me on this Earth
I feel very privileged in debt for my thirst!
Hold me down in restitution
Living out your date with fusion
Is the whole fleece shun in master?
Don't feel guilty, master writing
Somebody said that they're not much like I am, I know I can
Make enough of the words for you to go along and sing your song

Mexican Seafood
Oh, itchy flakes, it isn't through me
Till the jaw's in flames, it's entertaining
True, the fungus mold is my attraction
Oh, it's only a disinfection
Only hurts a night, until I pee (Alt: Only hurts when I, hurts when I pee)
Only hurts a night, until I sleep (Alt: Only hurts when I, hurts when I see)
Oh, coming up, and diarrhea
On the tile floor, a gum of pizza
In the toilet bowl, aroma cloudy
Toss, feel it burn, become a chowdered mess
Only hurts a night, until I pee (Alt: Only hurts when I, hurts when I pee)
Only hurts a night, until I sleep (Alt: Only hurts when I, hurts when I see)
Oh, take my bed, I've just consumed some flies
Bugs and fleas and even mucus
Stain the vaseline, and tainted burgers
Stop, in case it learns, and takes a joke as such.
Mmmmm ...

Hairspray Queen

I was your mine, you were mine, my enemy,
You were, mine, I was your, your enemy,
You were, mine, I was your, your enemy,
You were, mine, I was once your en ... aaahh
You rang
Your ears rang
I was your mine, you were mine, my enemy,
You were, mine, I was your, your enemy,
You were, mine, I was your, your enemy,
You were, mine, I was once your en ... aaahh
At night, wishful goddess
At night, wish the hardest
At night, disco goddess
At night, we'll go ... gaaahhh!
I was your mine, you were mine, my enemy,
You were, mine, I was your, your enemy,
You were, mine, I was your, your enemy,
You were, mine, I was once your ene ...
Wishful goddess, at night
Wish the hardest, at night
Wishful goddess, at night
Wishful gaaahhh
I was your mine, you were mine, my enemy,
You were, mine, I was your, your enemy,
You were, mine, I was your, your enemy,
You were, mine, I was once your ene!
At night, wishful goddess
At night, wish the hardest
At night, disco goddess
At night, you were so modest
At night, Crisco lovefest
At night, a mouthful on me
It's like, fish-filled garbage
At night, we'll go ... gaaahhh !!
(Interesting erotic noises)

Aero Zeppelin
What's the season of love if you can't have everything
What's the reason of love if you can lose everything
What's the meaning of love, it's a crime if anything
What's the meaning of love, it's a crime, it's a crime
How can a culture can forget it's plan of yesterday
And you swear it's not a trend, doesn't matter anyway
There's no need to talk to friends, nothing new is everyday
You could shit upon the stairs, you'll be friends
You'll be friends (x3)
All the kids will eat it up, if it's packaged properly
Should it subteley irritate, keep it movin' equally
All I know is just the fact, where the world is nowadays
An idea is what we lack, doesn't matter anyway
All the kids will eat it up, if it's packaged properly
Still the son will imitate, keep it fallin' equally
All I know is just the facts, where the world is nowadays
An idea is what we lack, doesn't matter anyway
Hey ... (x7)

Aero Zeppelin (slightly different interpretation)

What's the season of love if you can't have anything
What's the reason of love if you can lose everything
What's the meaning in a crumb, it's a crime if anything
Where's the meaning of love, it's a crime, it's a crime
How a culture can forget it's plan of yesterday
And you swear it's not a trend, doesn't matter anyway
There's no need to talk to friends, nothing new is everyday
You could shit upon the stairs, you'll be friends
You'll be friends (x3)
All the kids will eat it up, if it's packaged properly
Still the son will immitate, keep it fallin' equally
Now they know it's just a fact, we're a problem nowadays
An idea is what we lack, doesn't matter anyways
All the kids will eat it up, if it's packaged properly
Still the son will imitate, keep it fallin' equally
Now they know just the facts, where the world is nowadays
An idea is what we lack, doesn't matter anyways
Hey ... (x7)
Lyrics courtesy of Kevin Morris

Big Long Now
It's not cold enough
Please put this side up
She is moving through
Can we show our faces now?
I'm not interesting
She's not turning green
Shameful as it seems
Can we show our faces now?
Endless climb
I am blind
Why can't I leave? (Alt: Why can't I hear?)
Color blind
Speaking a phrase
Instantly grown
I am blind
Waiting in line
It's not cold enough
Please put this side up
She is moving through
Can we show our faces now?
I'm not interesting
She's not turning green
Shameful as it seems
Can we show our faces now?
Endless climb
I am blind
Why can't I leave? (Alt: Why can't I hear?)
Color blind
Speaking a phrase
Instantly grown
I am blind
Why am I sure?


Come on over and do the twist
Over-do it and have a fit
Love you so much it makes me sick
Come on over and do the twist
Beat me outta me - Beat it! beat it! (x7) (Alt: Beat thee outta me - Beat it! beat it!)
Beat me outta me
Come on over and do the twist
Over-do it and have a fit
Love you so much it makes me sick
Come on over and shoot the shit
Beat me outta me - Beat it! beat it! (x7) (Alt: Beat thee outta me - Beat it! beat it!)
Beat me outta me
She keeps it pumpin' straight to my heart

Serve the Servants

Teenage angst has paid off well
Now I'm bored and old
Self-appointed judges judge
More than they have sold
If she floats than she is not
A witch like we had thought
A down payment on another
One at salem's lot
Serve the servants - Oh no (x4)
That legendary divorce is such a bore
As my bones grew they did hurt
They hurt really bad
I tried hard to have a father
But instead I had a dad
I just want you to know that I
Don't hate you anymore
There is nothing I could say
That I haven't thought before
Serve the servants - Oh no (x4)
That legendary divorce is such a bore
Serve the servants - Oh no (x7)
That legendary divorce is such a bore

Scentless Apprentice

Like most babies smell like butter
His smell smelled like no other
He was born scentless and senseless
He was born a scentless apprentice
Go away - get away, get a-way
Every wet nurse refused to feed him
Electrolytes smell like semen
I promise not to sell your perfumed secrets
There are countless formulas for pressing flowers
Go away - get away, get a-way
I lie in the soll and fertilize mushrooms
Leaking out gas fumes are made into perfume
You can't fire me because I quit!
Throw me in the fire and I won't throw a fit
Go away - get away, get away, get away, get away, get away, get a-way

Heart-Shaped Box

She eyes me like a pisces when I am weak
I've been locked inside your Heart-Shaped box for weeks
I've been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap
I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn back (Alt: ... when you turn black)
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait! (Alt: Hate! Haight!)
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Your advice
Meat-eating orchids forgive no one just yet
Cut myself on angel's hair and baby's breath
Broken hymen of your highness I'm left black
Throw down your umbilical noose so I can climb right back
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Your advice
She eyes me like a pisces when I am weak
I've been locked inside your Heart-Shaped box for weeks
I've been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap
I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn back (Alt: ... when you turn black)
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Your advice (x3)

Rape Me

Rape me
Rape me my friend
Rape me
Rape me again
I'm not the only one (x4)
Hate me
Do it and do it again
Waste me
Rape me my friend
I'm not the only one (x4)
My favorite inside source
I'll kiss your open sores
Appreciate your concern
You'll always stink and burn
Rape me
Rape me my friend
Rape me
Rape me again
I'm not the only one (x4)
Rape me! (x9)

Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle

It's so relieving
To know that you're leaving as soon as you get paid
It's so relaxing
To hear that you're asking wherever you get your way
It's so soothing
To know that you'll sue me, this is starting to sound the same
I miss the comfort in being sad (x3)
In her false witness, we hope you're still with us,
To see if they float or drown
Our favorite patient, a display of patience,
Disease-covered Puget Sound
She'll come back as fire, to burn all the liars,
And leave a blanket of ash on the ground
I miss the comfort in being sad (x3)
It's so relieving
To know that you're leaving as soon as you get paid
It's so relaxing
To know that you're asking wherever you get your way
It's so soothing
To know that you'll sue me, this is starting to sound the same
I miss the comfort in being sad (x3)


I'm not like them
But I can pretend
The sun is gone
But I have a light
The day is done
But I'm having fun
I think I'm dumb
Or maybe just happy
Think I'm just happy (x3)
My heart is broke
But I have some glue
Help me inhale
And mend it with you
We'll float around
And hang out on clouds
Then we'll come down
And have a hangover
Have a hangover (x3)
Skin the sun
Fall asleep
Wish away
The soul is cheap
Lesson learned
Wish me luck
Soothe the burn
Wake me up
I'm not like them
But I can pretend
The sun is gone
But I have a light
My day is done
But I'm having fun
I think I'm dumb
Maybe just happy
Think I'm just happy (x3)
I think I'm dumb (x12)

Very Ape
I am buried up to my neck in
Contradictionary flies
I take pride as the king of illiterature
I'm very ape and very nice
If you ever need anything please don't
Hesitate to ask someone else first
I'm too busy acting like I'm not naive
I've seen it all, I was here first
Out of the ground
Into the sky
Out of the sky
Into the dirt
If you ever need anything please don't
Hesitate to ask someone else first
I'm too busy acting like I'm not naive
I've seen it all, I was here first
Out of the ground
Into the sky
Out of the sky
Into the dirt

Milk It

I am my own parasite
I don't need a host to live
We feed off of each other
We can share our endorphins
Doll steak!
Test meat!
Look on the bright side is suicide
Lost eyesight I'm on your side
Angel left wing, right wing, broken wing
Lack of iron and/or sleeping
I own my own pet virus
I get to pet and name her
Her milk is my shit
My shit it is her milk
Test meat!
Doll steak!
Look on the bright side is suicide
Lost eyesight I'm on your side
Angel left wing, right wing, broken wing
Lack of iron and/or sleeping
Doll steak!
Test meat!
Look on the bright side is suicide
Lost eyesight I'm on your side
Angel left wing, right wing, broken wing
Lack of iron and/or sleeping
Protector of the kennel
Ecto-plasma, Ecto-skeletal
Obituary every birthday
Your scent is still here in my place of recovery!

Pennyroyal Tea
I'm on my time with everyone
I have very bad posture
Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea
Distill the life that's inside of me
Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea
I'm anemic royalty
Give me a Leonard Cohen afterworld
So I can sigh eternally
I'm so tired I can't sleep
I'm a liar and a thief
Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea
I'm anemic royalty
I'm on warm milk and laxatives
Cherry-flavored antacids
Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea
Distill the life that's inside of me
Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea
I'm anemic royalty

Radio Friendly Unit Shifter

- Hmmmmmm ... I just wanna know ... do you like me? - [This is whispered in the beginning]
Use just once and destroy
Invasion of our piracy
Afterbirth of a nation
Starve without your skeleton key
I love you for what I am not
I do not want what I have got
A blanket acne'ed with ciggarette burns
Speak at once while taking turns
What is wrong with me (x3)
I'm gonna do with what you think
If you ever think at all
Bi-polar opposites attract
All of a sudden my water broke
I love you for what I am not
I do not want what I have got
A blanket acne'ed with ciggarette burns
Second-rate third degree burns
What is wrong with me (x2)
What do I think of me ?
Hate, hate your enemies
Save, save your friends
Find, find your place
Speak, speak the truth
What is wrong with me (x3)
What do I think of me ?
Use just once and destroy
Invasion of our piracy
Afterbirth of a nation
Starve without your skeleton key
What is wrong with me (x3)
What do I think of me ?


- Moderate Rock!
Mayday every day, in my heart.
Could've had a heart attack, in my heart.
We don't know anything, in my heart.
We all want something fair, in my heart.
Heyyyyyyy! (x3)
Out of town, out of sight, is my heart.
Queen of lies, everyday, in my heart.
My heart, one more on the phone, my heart.
One more at the phone, at my heart
Heyyyyyyyyyyy! (x2)
Mean heart, cold heart, cold heart, cold heart
Cold heart, cold heart, cold heart, cold heart!
Other interpretations possible.

All Apologies

What else should I be
All apologies
What else could I say
Everyone is gay
What else could I write
I don't have the right
What else should I be
All apologies
In the sun
In the sun I feel as one
In the sun
In the sun
I'm married
I wish I was like you
Easily amused
Find my nest of salt
Everything is my fault
I'll take all the blame
Aqua seafoam shame
Sunburn with freezeburn
Choking on the ashes of her enemy
In the sun
In the sun I feel as one
In the sun
In the sun
Married, Maried, Maried!
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
All in all is all we are (x20)

Gallons Of Rubbing Alcohol Flow Through The Strip

It hurts when you have to press that dull little thing
That you're only supposed to use once and then discard
Where do you put it? In the garbage can, my honest friend
My shyness, pet her flow
She's only been five months late, even though we haven't had sex for a week
A meal a day, a meal, I say
And my heart's made my ...
Somebody else already used the word 'aurora-borealis'
She was tied up in chains, and Sam had helped her in the freezer
She's only five weeks late, but I haven't had a date forever ...
Ever ... ever ... forever!
Wish I had more ... more opportunity,
More chances to remember some things
So I couldn't have so much pressure on my ...
On my ... on my, um ... ah, on my ... um ... um ... head
We'd have so much more diversity,
And so much more input, so much more creative flow,
If we had someone in school, a 'GIT' ...
GIT ... geeks ... in ... town.
Ha! ... Come on, Dave, think of one ... !
- Girls with trouble
It should be GIC, geeks with charvels
No, GWC, fuck man this is a waste of time ...
One more solo? Yeahhhhhhhhh! Yeaaaahhhhh!
You're personally responsible for ...
The entire strip ... to be washed away ...
Cleansed ... as if gallons of, um, rubbing alcohol
Flowed through the strip and were set on fire.
It didn't just singe the hair, it made it straight.
And then Perry Ellis came along with his broom,
And his ... silk ...
And he ... he erected a beautiful city ...
A city of stars.

Smells Like Teen Spirit

Load up on guns and bring your friends
It's fun to lose and to pretend
She's over bored and self assured
Oh no, I know a dirty word
Hello, hello, hello, how low? (x3)
Hello, hello, hello!
With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My libido
Yay! (x3)
I'm worse at what I do best
And for this gift I feel blessed
Our little group has always been
And always will until the end
Hello, hello, hello, how low? (x3)
Hello, hello, hello!
With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My Libido
Yay! (x3)
And I forget just why I taste
Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile
I found it hard, it was hard to find
Oh well, whatever, nevermind
Hello, hello, hello, how low? (x3)
Hello, hello, hello!
With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My libido
A denial !! (x9)

In Bloom

Sell the kids for food
-- weather changes moods
Spring is here again
-- reproductive glands
Hey - He's the one
Who likes all our pretty songs
And he likes to sing along
And he likes to shoot his gun
But he knows not what it means
Don't know what it means, when I say:
He's the one
Who likes all our pretty songs
And he likes to sing along
And he likes to shoot his gun
But he knows not what it means
Knows not what it means when I say aahh ...
We can have some more -- nature is a whore
Bruises on the fruit -- tender age in bloom
Hey - He's the one
Who likes all our pretty songs
And he likes to sing along
And he likes to shoot his gun
But he knows not what it means
Don't know what it means, when I say:
He's the one
Who likes all our pretty songs
And he likes to sing along
And he likes to shoot his gun
But he knows not what it means
Knows not what it means when I say aahh ...
He's the one
Who likes all our pretty songs
And he likes to sing along
And he likes to shoot his gun
But he knows not what it means
Knows not what it mean's when I say:
He's the one
Who likes all our pretty songs
And he likes to sing along
And he likes to shoot his gun
But he knows not what it means
Knows not what it means (x2)
Knows not what it means when I say aahh ...

Come As You Are
Come as you are, as you were,
As I want you to be
As a friend, as a friend, as an old enemy.
Take your time, hurry up
The choice is yours, don't be late.
Take a rest, as a friend, as an old memoria
Memoria (x3)
Come dowsed in mud, soaked in bleach
As I want you to be
As a trend, as a friend, as an old memoria
Memoria (x3)
And I swear that I don't have a gun
No I don't have a gun (x2)
Memoria (x3)
Memoria - and I don't have a gun
And I swear that I don't have a gun
No I don't have a gun (x4)
Memoria (x2)


I don't care (x5)
Care if I'm old
I don't mind (x5)
Mind, don't have a mind
Get away (x4)
Away, away from your home
I'm afraid (x5)
Afraid, afraid of a ghost
Even if you have
Even if you need
I don't mean to stare
We don't have to breed
We could plant a house
We could build a tree
I don't even care
We could have all three
She said (x8)
I don't care (x5)
Care if I'm old
I don't mind (x5)
Mind, I don't have a mind
Get away (x4)
Away, away from your home
I'm afraid (x4)
Afraid, afraid of a ghost
Even if you have
Even if you need
I don't mean to stare
We don't have to breed
We can plant a house
We can build a tree
I don't even care
We could have all three
She said (x8)
Even if you have
Even if you need
I don't mean to stare
We don't have to breed
We can plant a house
We can build a tree
I don't even care
We could have all three
She said (x8)
She said .. good!


I'm so happy 'cause today
I've found my friends ...
They're in my head
I'm so ugly, but that's okay, 'cause so are you ...
We've broken our mirrors (Alt: We broke our mirrors)
Sunday morning is everyday for all I care ...
And I'm not scared
Light my candles, in a daze
'Cause I've found god
Hey, hey hey (x6)
I'm so lonely, but that's okay, I shaved my head ...
And I'm not sad
And just maybe I'm to blame for all I've heard ...
But I'm not sure
I'm so excited, I can't wait to meet you there ...
But I don't care
I'm so horny, but that's okay ...
My will is good
Hey, hey hey (x6)
I like it - I'm not gonna crack
I miss you - I'm not gonna crack
I love you - I'm not gonna crack
I killed you - I'm not gonna crack
I'm so happy 'cause today
I've found my friends ...
They're in my head
I'm so ugly, but that's okay, 'cause so are you ...
We've broken our mirrors (Alt: We broke our mirrors)
Sunday morning is everyday for all I care ...
And I'm not scared
Light my candles in a daze ...
'Cause I've found god
Hey, hey hey (x6)
I like it - I'm not gonna crack
I miss you - I'm not gonna crack
I love you - I'm not gonna crack
I killed you - I'm not gonna crack


Polly wants a cracker
I think I should get off her first
I think she wants some water
To put out the blow torch
It isn't me
We have some seed
Let me clip
Your dirty wings
Let me take a ride
Don't cut yourself
I want some help
To please myself
I've got some rope
You have been told
I promise you
I have been true
Let me take a ride
Don't cut yourself
I want some help
To please myself
Polly wants a cracker
Maybe she would like some food
She asks me to untie her
A chase would be nice for a few
It isn't me
We have some seed
Let me clip
Your dirty wings
Let me take a ride
Don't cut yourself
I want some help
To please myself
I've got some rope
You have been told
I promise you
I have been true
Let me take a ride
Don't cut yourself
I want some help
To please myself
Polly said
Polly says her back hurts
And she's just as bored as me
She caught me off my guard
It amazes me, the will of instinct
It isn't me
We have some seed
Let me clip
Your dirty wings
Let me take a ride
Don't cut yourself
I want some help
To please myself
I've got some rope
You have been told
I promise you
I have been true
Let me take a ride
Don't cut yourself
I want some help
To please myself

Territorial Pissings
"Come on people now, smile on your brother and
everybody get together, try to love one another right now"
When I was an alien, cultures weren't opinions
Gotta find a way, to find a way, when I'm here
Gotta find a way - a better way - I had better wait
Never met a wise man, if so it's a woman
Gotta find a way, to find a way, when I'm here
Gotta find a way - a better way - I had better wait
"Just because you're paranoid, don't mean they're not after you"
Gotta find a way, to find a way, when I'm here
Gotta find a way - a better way - I had better wait

Drain You

One baby to another says -
I'm lucky to have met you
I don't care what you think
Unless it is about me
It is now my duty to completely drain you
A travel through a tube
And end up in your infection
Chew your meat for you
Pass it back and forth
In a passionate kiss
From my mouth to yours
I like you
With eyes so dialated,
I've become your pupil
You've taught me everything
Without a poison apple
The water is so yellow, I'm a healthy student
Indebted and so grateful -
Vacuum out the fluids
Chew your meat for you
Pass it back and forth
In a passionate kiss
From my mouth to yours
I like you
You (x5)
One baby to another says -
I'm lucky to have met you
I don't care what you think
Unless it is about me
It is now my duty to completely drain you
A travel through a tube
And end up in your infection
Chew your meat for you
Pass it back and forth
In a passionate kiss
From my mouth to yours
Sloppy lips to lips
You're my vitamins
I'm like you

Lounge Act
Truth - covered in security
I can't let you smother me
I'd like to, but it couldn't work
Trading off and taking turns
I don't regret a thing
And I've got this friend, you see
Who makes me feel and I
Wanted more than I could steal
I'll arrest myself, I'll wear a shield
I'll go out of my way to prove I still
I still smell her on you
Don't - tell me what I wanna hear
Afraid of never knowing fear
Experience anything you need
I'll keep fighting jealousy
Until it's fucking gone
And I've got this friend, you see
Who makes me feel and I
Wanted more than I could steal
I'll arrest myself, I'll wear a shield
I'll go out of my way to prove I still
I still smell her on you
Truth! - covered in security
I can't let you smother me
I'd like to but it couldn't work
Trading off and taking turns
I don't regret a thing
And I've got this friend, you see
Who makes me feel and I
Wanted more than I could steal
I'll arrest myself, I'll wear a shield
I'll go out of my way to make you a deal
We've made a pact to learn from who
Ever we want without new rules
We'll share what's lost and what we grew
They'll go out of their way
To prove they still
Still smell her on you (x3)

Stay Away

Monkey see, monkey do
I don't know why I'd - rather be dead than cool
I don't know why - every line ends in rhyme
I don't know why - less is more, love is blind
I don't know why
Stay away (x3)
Give an inch, take a smile
I don't know why - fashion shits, fashion style
I don't know why - throw it out and keep it in
I don't know why - have to have poison skin
I don't know why
Stay away (x3)
I don't why (x2)
Stay away (x3)
Monkey see, monkey do
I don't know why I'd - rather be dead than cool
I don't know why - every line ends in rhyme
I don't know why - less is more, love is blind
I don't know why
Stay away (x3)
I don't know why (x2)
Stay away (x3)
Stay away (x5)
God is gay!

On A Plain

I'll start this off without any words
I got so high that I scratched 'till I bled
I love myself better than you
I know it's wrong so what should I do?
The finest day that I ever had
Was when I learned to cry on command
I love myself better than you
I know it's wrong so what should I do?
I'm on a plain
I can't complain
I'm on a plain
My mother died every night
It's safe to say, don't quote me on that
I love myself better than you
I know it's wrong so what should I do?
The black sheep got blackmailed again
Forgot to put on the zip code
I love myself better than you
I know it's wrong so what should I do?
I'm on a plain
I can't complain
I'm on a plain
Somewhere I have heard this before
In a dream of memory restored (Alt: In a dream my memory has stored)
As a defense I'm neutered and spayed
What the hell am I trying to say?
It is now time to make it unclear
To write off lines that don't make sense
I love myself better than you
I know it's wrong so what should I do?
And one more special message to go
And then I'm done, then I can go home
I love myself better than you
I know it's wrong so what should I do?
I'm on a plain
I can't complain

Something In The Way

Underneath the bridge
The tarp has sprung a leak
And the animals I've trapped
Have all become my pets
And I'm living off of grass
And the drippings from the ceiling
It's okay to eat fish
'Cause they don't have any feelings
Something in the way, mmm
Something in the way, yeah, mmm
Underneath the bridge
The tarp has sprung a leak
And the animals I've trapped
Have all become my pets
And I'm living off of grass
And the drippings from the ceiling
It's okay to eat fish
'Cause they dont't have any feelings
Something in the way, mmm
Something in the way, yeah, mmm

Endless, Nameless

Here I am
Here I am
Bright and clear
It's what I am
I have
Mother (x4)
With violence
Right here
Go to hell
Here I am
Right here
No mas (x4)
Is what I am
Go to hell
Go to jail
In back of that
Here I am
Take a chance